What is Meditation On Twin Hearts?

"Just as Pranic Healing can ‘miraculously’ cure simple and severe ailments, the Meditation on Twin Hearts, when practiced by a large number of people, can miraculously heal the entire earth; thereby making the earth more harmonious and peaceful.
- Master Choa Kok Sui
The Meditation on Twin Hearts technique developed by Master Choa Kok Sui, the Philippines based founder of Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga, is a technique to achieve illumination or "Universal Consciousness". It is also a form of world service that helps to bring harmony by blessing the earth with loving-kindness, peace, joy and good will. It does not follow any specific religious belief or guru (teacher). Doing the meditation involves blessing the earth with peace, love, light and joy.
The Meditation on Twin Hearts brings a tremendous amount of spiritual energy, peace, love, prosperity and happiness in the practitioner's life. It is a noble tool that raises one's vibrations toward higher states of awareness and expanded levels of consciousness. Presently being practiced globally by tens of thousands of people of different religions and backgrounds, the Meditation on Twin Hearts is extraordinary in its simplicity with amazing and dramatic results.
Meditation on Twin Hearts is a powerful form of meditation, for it enhances your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being. If practiced regularly, it brings about a deep inner transformation and expansion of consciousness so that you achieve illumination, self-realization, perfect harmony and oneness with God. You may wonder why this meditation is so called. The twin hearts refer to the heart chakra, the center of the emotional heart, and the crown chakra, the center of the divine heart. When you meditate on these twin hearts, divine energy flows into your crown chakra from where it is distributed to all parts of the body. The crown chakra can be activated only when the heart chakra is sufficiently activated. While there are many techniques for activating the chakras, the most effective, safest and fastest way is through using the heart and crown chakras for blessing the earth with loving kindness. As they become channels for the flow of spiritual energies, they get activated in the process. And by blessing the earth and all sentient beings, you are in turn blessed many times. It is in giving that you receive—that is the law. The best way to explain and understand the significance and uniqueness of twin heart meditation would be to take you through the various steps. An even better way is for you to listen to the different versions of meditation on twin hearts CDs and practice it yourself.
How to Practice Meditation On Twin Hearts step by step:
Physical exercises
To cleanse and prepare the physical body and energy bodies, which also removes any blocks or accumulation of used up energy in any part of the body, especially at the various joints. We need to exercise after the meditation in order to assimilate the energy we receive during the meditation. This also helps to cleanse and strengthen the physical body and release excess energy. Beyond a point the physical body cannot absorb more energy and the physical exercise removes this excess. When there is excess energy the physical body feels lethargic. So exercise before and after meditation is very important.
Sit in a comfortable position - Do deep abdominal breathing
You may now sit comfortably either on the floor in a lotus (Padmasana) or semi-lotus position or on a chair. If you are sitting on a chair, sit erect without leaning on its back. Assume a receptive pose, your spine erect and palms turned upwards, resting on your lap.
Take a few deep and slow relaxing breaths. Inhale slowly; exhale slowly. Still your mind. Deep abdominal breathing in order to calm the mind and emotions for a more effective meditation. Abdominal breathing where the belly expands is the best anti-stress medicine says physician James A Gordon.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.)
Invoke for divine blessings
Just as we seek divine blessing before starting our work, similarly we invoke for divine blessing before the meditation. You may choose your own words and language depending on your faith or religion.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: To the supreme god, to my spiritual teacher, to all the spiritual teachers, holy masters, all the saints holy angels, spiritual helpers and all the great ones we humbly invoke for divine guidance, divine love, for illumination, for divine oneness, divine bliss, divine help and divine protection. We thank you, in full faith.)
Connection the tongue to the palate
Keep your tongue touching the palate throughout the meditation. This is to facilitate and complete the circulation of energy in the body.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Connect your tongue to your palate.)
Activate the heart and crown chakras
Its very easy to activate the heart chakra and the crown chakra, first you need to activate the heart and then the crown.
"If crown chakra is the gate to heaven, then heart chakra will be the key to that gate."
Master Choa kok Sui
Recall a happy event, be aware of your heart and smile, you may also touch your heart chakra with your left hand, this will help to activate the heart faster. You may do the same to activate the crown chakra. Recall a happy event, be aware of crown and smile. You may also touch your crown with your left hand. Then to further activate heart chakra and crown chakra Master Choa will use the prayer of Saint Francis Assisi while blessing the earth.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Recall a happy event, take you time, re-experience the specific feelings of sweetness, of tenderness and of love.
You are smiling, you are filled with love and happiness, very gently and lovingly smile at your heart center. Your heart center is a being of love. Gently and lovingly smile at your heart, say words of love and sweetness to your heart, wait for the response.
Can you feel your heart center responding with love, with joy and bliss? The feeling is fantastic!
Recall another happy event. Re-experience this happy event. Smile at your crown center, your crown center is a being of divine love, say words of love to this being of divine love. Lovingly and gently smile at your crown center, wait for the response. Can you feel your crown center responding with divine love and divine sweetness? We are going to bless the earth with loving kindness. We will be using the prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Raise your hands with your hands facing outward. Imagine the earth in front of you at the size of a small ball. Be aware of your heart and silently repeat after me.
Lord make me an instrument of peace. Feel the inner peace within you, allow yourself as a tunnel for divine peace, feel the peace within you, let it flow to your arms, to your hands, gently and lovingly share this peace with the small earth in front of you. Feel the peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love. Feel the love within you, allow yourself to be a tunnel for divine love, feel this love within you, feel this love flowing from your heart to your arms and to your hands, going to the small earth in front of you. Bless the earth with peace and with love.
Where there is injury, pardon. Allow yourself to be a tunnel for divine forgiveness, divine reconciliation. Bless the earth with the spirit of forgiveness, spirit of reconciliation. Let there be understanding, harmony and peace.
Where there is despair, hope. Where there is doubt, faith. Allow yourself to be a tunnel for divine hope and divine faith. Bless the earth with hope and with faith, bless people who are having a difficult time, bless them with hope and with faith. Silently tell them you can make it. Bless them with divine hope, with divine faith, with divine strength. Blessings be to all.
Where there is darkness, light. Where there is sadness, joy. Allow yourself to be a tunnel for divine light and divine joy. Bless the entire earth with light and joy, specially people who are sad, people who are in pain, people who are depressed, fill them with light and joy.
Be aware of your crown, the center of your crown, imagine the small earth in front of you and silently repeat after me, from the heart of god, let the entire earth be blessed with loving-kindness. Feel the divine love and the divine kindness. Let the entire earth be blessed with great joy and happiness, with understanding, harmony and divine peace, with good will and the will to do good. Imagine people are not only talking about doing something good, but actually acting out this goodness. Blessings be to all.
Be aware of your heart, your crown simultaneously, imagine the earth in front of you. From the heart of god let the entire earth, let every person every being be blessed with divine love and kindness. Imagine golden light from your hands going down to the entire earth, filling the whole earth with light, with love. From the heart of god let every person every being be blessed with divine sweetness, divine joy, with warmness, tenderness, with inner healing, with inner beauty, with divine bliss, divine oneness with all. Gently put your hands down.)
Achieving Illumination
The actual practice of The Meditation for Peace or meditation on twin hearts is to reach illumination by meditating on the Light of the Soul and chanting of mantra OM. A version with Amin is also available.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Imagine a brilliant star (or a golden flame) on your crown, look at it gently and lovingly and silently chant the mantra OM. Lovingly meditate on the brilliant star and simultaneously chant the mantra OM. Be aware of the mantra OM, meditate on the interval or stillness between the two Oms. While meditating on the interval or stillness between the two OMs. Be aware of this brilliant light. At the interval between the two Oms, there is stillness. Be aware of the stillness and be lovingly aware of the brilliant st art or the brilliant light (or golden flame) on your crown and let go.
OM………………………………………………………………OM………………………………………………………OM……………………………………………OM……………………………………………………………OM…………………………………………………OM………………………………………………………OM……………………………………………………OM…………………………………………………OM Continue with your meditation. Relax and let go.)
Releasing the Excess Energy
In order to avoid the effects of excess energy - the energy is used to bless the earth and all mankind. Individuals can be blessed towards the end, when the energy is less strong.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Very gently return your body, gently return to your body now. Gently move your fingers. Raise your hands on the chest level with your palms outward. Imagine the earth again we are going to release the excess energy. Let the entire earth be blessed with divine light, divine love and divine power. Let the whole earth be blessed with peace, order, spirituality, abundance and prosperity. Let every person every being be blessed with happiness, with good health, with spirituality and abundance. Blessings be to all.)
Grounding and Rooting
This is necessary since a person tends to become light headed after practicing meditation. To ground oneself, project blessing from the base of spine and the soles of the feet towards the earth. Visualize roots of light spreading deep into the earth.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: Now gently be aware of the base of your spine and your feet. Imagine light going down into the earth, three meters or ten feet. Silently say let mother earth be blessed with divine light, divine love, divine power. Let mother earth be blessed. Let mother earth be regenerated. Blessings be to mother earth.)
Prayer of Thanksgiving
Master Choa always invoke for divine blessing before and after the meditation. You may choose your own words and language depending on your faith or religion.
(Transcribe from Meditation on twin hearts for peace and illumination CD: To the supreme god we thank you for your divine blessings. To my spiritual teacher, all the spiritual teachers, holy masters, all the saints, holy angels, spiritual helpers and all the great ones we thank you all for your great great blessings.
Thank you
You may gently open your eyes with a big big smile!)
Physical exercises
The same set of exercises that are prescribed on the cassette/CD or any other physical exercise, e.g. Yoga, Aerobics, Tai Chi, or on the spot jogging for a few minutes.
Benefits of meditation on twin hearts:
- Improved health - Once the divine energy flows through you, it naturally flushes the used up and unwanted energies within your system; so after the meditation you become a fresher ‘You’.
- Reduced stress, anxiety and depression - Twin Heart disintegrates the unwanted emotions and thought forms within your chakras and aura. It makes positivity and happiness come naturally to you.
- Sharper mind and greater happiness - Once the unwanted thought forms and emotions are out of your system, your mind becomes clear and your emotions more refined.
- Increase your self-esteem - When you become more powerful, you can do much more; so it helps you build a good image of yourself.
- Improve your relationships - As you bless the entire earth with loving-kindness, you will be filled with love energy. This love brings harmony to your relationships.
- Become a divine channel - The meditation creates an opportunity for you to become a channel to bless everyone on earth with a better life.
- Increase good luck - Once you make yourself available to serve, you create lots of good karma that shows itself in life as good luck.
Stress: Stress causes great changes in the entire physiological system in order to deal with the 'fight or flight' situation. Frequent repetition of these episodes where there is no relief either through 'fight or flight', means that all systems are behaving abnormally and remain this way for extended periods of time. This leads to various physical disorders. According to Harvard Medical School cardiologist Herbert Benson Meditation creates a relaxation response. Tension leaves the muscles, there is decrease in anxious thoughts and decline in the activity of stress hormones. Meditation affects brain activity specifically in the limbic system, which controls metabolism, blood pressure, respiration and heart rate.
Effective team building: In the Meditation for Peace, the meditator experiences feelings of kindness and love. When in this state of parasympathetic arousal-- the physiological opposite of 'fight or flight'--the set of responses generate a feeling of calmness and confidence facilitating co-operation. Instead of hostility, anger and suspicion the interaction with the group and others is from a feeling of well being and contentment.
Emotional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence is being aware of and handling emotions competently. Today more importance is given to the Emotional Quotient than to the Intelligence Quotient. Awareness of feelings of self and others and the ability to handle one's feelings effectively are a great asset. Clever people become stupid and are unable to think when under the grip of strong emotions. The Meditation for Peace is as much 'Them' oriented as it is 'I' oriented. The awareness and sensitivity which develop through regular practice helps enormously in relationships. This coupled with the technique of blessing others with good things in life that one personally desires, increases one's competence in relating effectively. Emotional equilibrium is a great asset which benefits people in all walks of life.
- Children between 10-16 years of age can practice the meditation once a week.
- Patients with severe heart ailments, unregulated hypertension and glaucoma, (hypertensive people who are on medication can do the meditation provided they skip the OM chanting part.)
- Heavy smokers (They should have their lungs and back heart and front heart centers cleaned thoroughly before doing the meditation.)
- Pregnant women should avoid excessive practice on The Meditation for Peace since the excess energy may cause congestion on the fetus. They can do the Meditation once or twice a week.
- The Meditation should not be practiced while driving or doing critical functions.
- Miracles Through Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Pranic Psychotherapy by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Meditation on Twin Hearts for Peace and Illumination CD by Master Choa Kok Sui