Student's Review
November 09, 2024
Emine Hatun S.
Turkey, Antalya
thats was a great experience. Im so happy for attendüng this course. Our Nuray teacher met us with love and our lesson was so effective. When I apply the technic I have learned, ıt works incredibly. we are so lucky for finding you.
May 28, 2016
Ilhan K.
Turkey, Ankara
Basic Pranic Healing Course answered all my questions about energy healing. Im so grateful to Grand Master Choa Kok Sui for sharing this information with the world. I started healing and Meditation on twin Hearts immediately after the course. My life started to change. After doing healing on my relatives their life stared too change too. Thanks a lot for this life changing experience.
October 26, 2018
Hala A.
Bahrain, Saar
One of the best courses so far.