The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

MCKS Pranic Psychic Self Defense®

MCKS Pranic Psychic Self Defense

"The human aura is a major factor involved in the natural psychic self-defense system of each person."

- Master Choa Kok Sui

We are swimming in a world of thought forms and emotional energies and not all of them are necessarily beneficial for us. In fact, we are constantly bombarded by negative and injurious energies. If we are not properly protected from these contaminants, we can be affected spiritually, mentally, emotional, physically and financially.

MCKS Pranic Psychic Self Defense is specially tailored to protect you from negative and destructive energy patterns. The course offers simple, effective and practical remedies to psychic problems encountered by most people. It teaches several ways to shield one's self from projected negative thoughts and psychic contamination by strengthening the human Aura; removing negative energies and vibrations from psychically dirty places; reinforcing psychic defenses through counter attack and counter defense methods; knowing how to deal with black magicians; taking corrective actions when a person has been psychically penetrated; and other never before known techniques.

Pranic Psychic Self Defense teaches the student scientific ways of utilizing pranic energies to properly protect one`s self, belongings, surroundings and love ones. Pranic Psychic Self Defense teaches the student to protect him/herself and loved ones from psychic attacks, negative intentions, malicious entities and energetic pollution.

Some of the topics covered in Pranic Psychic Self Defense Course are:

  • Different Subtle Bodies and Auras.
  • Difference between a Thought Entity and Psychic Radiatory field.
  • Psychic Contamination and Psychic Pollution.
  • Types and Sources of Psychic Attacks.
  • Law of Karma, Severe Karmic Repercussions and Neutralizing Negative Karma.
  • Closing the aura to prevent intrusions.
  • Techniques for strengthening the Aura.
  • Understanding how psychic attacks are launched and how we can protect ourselves from them.
  • Placing a protective aura around our business to ensure prosperity.
  • Utilizing holy objects for protection, empowerment and good luck.
  • Practicing advanced psychic self-defense techniques, specifically for healers.
  • Shielding the personal belongings, including the financial assets.
  • Multi-dimensional shielding for protection on the spiritual, mental, emotional, etheric and physical planes.
  • Putting remedies into place for attacks that have already penetrated in our energy fields.
  • Guarding against the four critical factors that can weaken a shield.
  • Using the power of love to get an angry psychic assailant on one`s side.
  • How to build up sufficient energy for one`s shield and combining the energy with visualization and intent for optimum protection.
  • Using the ancient Magic Circles Ritual to receive comprehensive protection from angels, masters and teachers.
  • Protecting the business and finances from envious competitors and their negative vibes.
  • Safeguarding our children's precious and innocent consciousness from preying entities of drugs and negative programming from peers.
  • Scanning the strength and integrity of our shields so that we know they are in place and working.
  • Experience inner peace and calmness in the midst of a chaotic work or home environment.
  • Stopping "psychic vampires" from draining our precious life force.
  • The student will learn why the traditional bubble of white light does not hold up in the real world of psychic warfare, and why the Pranic Psychic Self Defense shield is more effective.
  • The student will be taught why improper shielding could cause a person to think he or she is under psychic attack by nobody else but themselves.
  • The student will be taught what causes "Bad Luck" and changing it to Good Fortune.
  • Many more …

MCKS Pranic Psychic Self Defense course takes 1 day.

Prerequisite: MCKS Pranic Healing course , MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing and MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy it is advisable to take this course after Pranic Crystal Healing.

Note: The courses should be taken in order since each level prepares the base for the later. The instructor himself along with the students practices the techniques while teaching. After every course an internationally accepted attendance certificate is given by Master Choa Kok Sui’s  Institute for Inner Studies or World Pranic Healing Foundation.


Showing 10 most recent testimonials
  • June 19, 2024

    Kossi Ganyo A.
    Togo, Lome

    Honnêtement, j'ai lu beaucoup de livre quand on dit que nous sommes des dieux et que nous possédons du pouvoir en nous, j'avais une connaissance à 50%, mais suite à ce cours, je me suis rendu compte c'est vrai. Je possède le pouvoir en moi pour utiliser l'energie divine à me protéger. Ces connaissances apprises sont très simple mais si on t'enseigne pas tu vas tourner en rond. Je suis très reconnaissant d'avoir participer à ce cours. Dieu nous a tout donné pour que nous puissions réussir sur cette terre. Mais si on ne fait pas la recherche, on ne saura pas. je suis reconnaissant d'avoir appris ces connaissances.
    La chose la plus importante qui m'a vraiment touché, c'est toujours de chercher à faire du bien quels que soit la situation. c'est une forme puissant de se protéger contre les attaques psychiques

  • June 17, 2024

    Ekrem S.
    Turkey, Ankara

    Amir Hoca is a wonderful teacher. It was exciting to learn more about Master Choa’s unique guidance and teachings that illuminate our lives like a light. All this seemingly complex information was delivered to us with incredible fluidity and simplicity. Thank you. Atma Namaste!

  • May 28, 2024

    Raluca A.
    North Cyprus, Girne

    One of my favorites.

  • July 24, 2023

    Noura I.
    Kuwait, Kuwait City

    Amazing course. A must.

  • June 18, 2023

    Melek G.
    Turkey, Istanbul

    ı love this course ?

  • December 01, 2022

    Yunus Emre A.
    Turkey, Istanbul

    Çok güzel bir kurstu, Çok teşekkür ederim

  • June 27, 2022

    Daniel Kwaku G.
    Ghana, Accra

    Now I can protect my family, my business and myself.

  • June 21, 2022

    Soukeyna O.
    Senegal, Dakar

    Ce cours a été l'une de mes meilleures expériences d'apprentissage au sein de l'école. En plus de confirmer tous les précédents, il m'a permis d'affirmer ma volonté d'oeuvrer pour un monde que je qualifierais de "meilleur".

  • June 10, 2022

    Raksha K.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    Leran different techniques to protect loved ones

  • March 08, 2022

    Vinu P.
    Kenya, Mombasa

    Amazing through insight well given by the tutor.

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1MCKS Kriyashakti®November 15, 2025