meng mein Chakra

The meng mein chakra is located at the back of the navel. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing )
The meng mein chakra has eight petals, and contains predominantly orange prana and less of red prana. It also contains smaller amounts of yellow and blue pranas.
The meng mein chakra acts as some sort of a “pump” to facilitate the distribution of pranic energy from the basic chakra to the other parts of the body. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
The meng mein chakra has the power to transmute lower, grosser energies into spiritual energy. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Universal and Kabbalistic Chakra Meditation on The Lord’s Prayer)
To be more exact, the meng mein chakra acts as an "energy accelerator" that increases the rate of vibration of the lower pranic energy. This causes the lower pranic energy to gush out with tremendous speed through the back meridian and spread to all parts of the body and up to the crown. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)
By doing so, it activates the higher chakras and enables us to see things as they are. Every person is evolving, and evolution implies process, time and mistakes. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Universal and Kabbalistic Chakra Meditation on The Lord's Prayer)
Once a person realizes that everybody makes mistakes and that this is part of the natural process of spiritual evolution, forgiving others and also one's self becomes easy. Once there is forgiveness, inner healing and physical healing occur. Forgiving is therapeutic. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)
Its inner significance is that when there is conflict, the emphasis should be to defuse it rather than to escalate it and to restore h armony and peace.
The harmonizing and transformative approach is done by defusing the degree of conflict:
- By emotionally remaining calm;
- By practicing self-restraint or group restraint;
- By establishing communication lines and promoting communication;
- By adapting the policy of understanding and forgiveness;
- Through the use of negotiation;
- Through diplomatic, political and / or economic approach; and
- Through compromise.
The meng mein chakra regulates the upward flow of pranic energy from the basic chakra. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy )
When the meng mein chakra becomes big a person becomes emotionally excited. Cleansing of the meng mein chakra helps a person gradually calm down.
The meng mein chakra controls and energizes the kidneys and the adrenal glands. It also controls the blood pressure. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Miracles Through Pranic Healing)
The meng mein chakra and sex chakra control and energize the urinary system. It is also closely related to the spleen chakra. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
The size of the meng mein chakra is only about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the other chakras, and should be treated only by experienced or Advanced Pranic Healers.
Malfunctioning of the meng mein chakra may manifest as kidney problems, low vitality, blood pressure ailments, and back problems, and may even manifest as abnormal growth rate of cells when the other major chakras are also malfunctioning.
When the size of the meng mein chakra is normal, the blood pressure is normal. When it is overactivated, or its size ratio is higher, then the blood pressure above the normal level. If the meng mein chakra is underactivated, or its size ratio is lower, then the blood pressure is below the normal level. This is why it is not advisable to energize the spleen chakra of a patient with hypertension. When the spleen chakra is activated, the meng mein chakra is also partially activated.
The meng mein chakra of infants, children, pregnant women, and elderly people should not be energized unless really necessary - because of possible adverse effects.
Have you come across people who possess tremendous, almost supernatural, physical strength when they become violent? Patients who are violent have an overactivated meng mein chakra. The meng mein chakra controls and regulates the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands produce hormones that temporarily give a person extraordinary strength or power. The other chakras involved in this function are the solar plexus chakra and the basic chakra. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy)
In Chinese medicine, it corresponds to the acupuncture point DU (GV) 4. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)
In Taoist yoga, meng mein chakra corresponds to ming men, which means “gate of life.”
The correspondence of the meng mein chakra in Tamil (Southern India), is Kachaivarmam.
In Kabbalah it is called Hod. The divine name of Hod is Adonai Tzabaoth.
- The Chakras and Their Functions by Master Choa Kok Sui