Om Namo Rama Om

According to the legend of Diwali, Lord Rama, the Avatar of the age of Gemini, returned home to Ayodhya after his 14 years of exile and battle with Ravana. To celebrate his homecoming, the entire city lit up houses and roads to welcome the return of their King. The story of Rama can be interpreted on many levels, as many spiritual truths are woven into the myth of one the greatest Kings in history.
The word ‘Rama’ itself has great power, invoking the energies of the sun, Ra, and the moon, Ma. By reciting the mantra “Om Namo Rama Om” with devotion and fire, one can be a great disciple, or ‘Hanuman,’ and move mountains of obstacles.
During Diwali, aarthis and lamps are lit for the puja (prayer). The lamps with five or seven flames symbolize the activation of the upper chakras. When you light the five flames, you have to develop the five virtues – goodness, which manifests as service, wisdom, truth, love, and justice. The aarthis, when moved counterclockwise and clockwise, produce a cleansing and energizing reaction on the area.
Practicing these rituals with understanding and concentration has a wonderful effect on our aura and in the long term, our lives.
As the Soul traverses through its long, arduous journey from darkness to light, may we have the Blessings of Lord Rama guide us in our return home – the return to light.
We wish you and your family a joyous Diwali.
Experience the blessing of Lord Rama by doing the “Om Namo Rama Om” chant.
Before we start, let us do the affirmation.
I, the soul, am super conductive to the blessing of the Supreme Being passing through Lord Rama, the great, great ones, passing through Master Choa Kok Sui.
Chant “Om Namo Rama Om” nine times or you may chant together with the CD “Om Namo Rama Om.”
At the end of the chant, let us do the affirmation.
I, the soul, am super conductive to the blessings spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etherically, and physically to the blessings from the Supreme God, from the Spiritual Elder called Lord Rama, and passing through Master Choa Kok Sui and companies.
I, the soul, accept the blessings spiritually, mentally, emotionally, etherically, and physically. I, the soul, accept the blessings for the Supreme God, from the Spiritual Elder called Lord Rama, passing through Master Choa Kok Sui and company.
- The Inner Teaching of Hinduism Revealed by Master Choa Kok Sui
You can listen to this sacred chant by ordering the Om Namo Rama Om CD or if you are a user of website login and check under "our online materials" section and enjoy the Om Namo Rama Om Chanted by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui.