Om Shanti Om

Om Shanti Om is the mantra of peace. Om is a sacred word that is recognized universally as a sacred sound. The mantra Om purifies our mind and soul and takes our incarnated soul closer to our higher soul. Shanti is the Sanskrit word for peace. The word may stand for calmness, rest or even bliss.
The mantra Om Shanti Om gives us a state of deeper relaxation. It brings a sense of calmness and spiritual well-being.
When we chant the entire mantra, we say shanti three times. Master Choa Kok Sui has chanted the mantra as ‘Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om’. Chanting the word Shanti three times has a meaning too.
Shanti: Let the Peace Echo
The first Shanti will free us from physical burdens. It filters negative thoughts related to our etheric body like disabilities, diseases and illnesses.
The second Shanti cleanses our mind and soul. We can shed negative thoughts like jealousy, hatred, anger, worries from our mind. This takes us a step close to our higher soul .
The third Shanti is meant to protect us from accidents and natural calamities.
The mantra can give us peace and free us from stress, particularly when we are feeling depressed, frustrated, angry and all other sorts of negative emotions. This will create a field of calmness around us and help us to meditate properly.
Our beloved master has states a great use of this mantra in his teaching. He asked us to bless the people who has been tormenting us or whom we have been tormenting hating, with loving kindness . We need to imagine the person and blessing them with loving kindness along with chanting the mantra Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om. We need to repeat this with every person with whom we want to improvise our relationship. It may take some time but it will give us positive result.
The Om Shanti Shanti Shanti Om Mantra which is recorded in our master’s voice is blended with music and sounds of nature and will help us to experience inner peace.
- Practical Psychic Self-Defence for Home and Office by Master Choa Kok Sui
You can listen to this sacred chant by ordering the Om Shanti Om CD .