The Etheric Body

Words such as “ether” or “ethereal” immediately conjure up images of a world beyond the clouds, of starlit spaces filled with heavenly light and of Divinity as well as a deep sense of peace. What if ether was not just up there, but within ourselves too? In reality, we ourselves have an etheric body. In Sanskrit, this subtle entity is referred to as “linga sarira”. The etheric body is clairvoyantly seen as a double or a twin of the physical body.
Did You Know You have a Twin?
Our etheric body is a bioplasmic and luminous in nature and surrounds the physical body while interpenetrating it. Clairvoyants are gifted with sight beyond what our physical eyes can see and are able to view this etheric double which actually appears to have two hands, two legs, two eyes, so on and so forth just like our physical bodies.
What does the word bioplasmic mean? The word “bioplasm” is an amalgamation of two words: bio, meaning life and plasma, referring to the fourth state of matter. When matter in the gaseous state has been ionized and possesses negative and positive charged particles, it may be termed as plasma. This, however, is very different from blood plasma.
The etheric body is thus a living aura or energy body that is constituted of subtle matter that is invisible to the naked eye. Kirlian photography is regarded as scientific proof of the existence of our etheric body. Kirlian photographs allow for viewing, observing and analyzing the energy field or the etheric body that surrounds our physical forms.
It is through the etheric body that prana or life energy can be absorbed into and distributed through the physical body. The etheric body thus serves as a channel for life energy to flow into the visible physical body we possess and are so attached to.
Your Etheric Body and Prana
The flow of prana throughout the etheric body is facilitated by fine bioplasmic meridians the workings of which are much like the workings of the blood vessels in the physical body. Yogic terminology refers to these channels or meridians as 'nadis'. These nadis are further classified into major and minor nadis. Just like we possess blood vessels and capillaries of varied importance and function in our tangible body, there is order in our etheric body as well. Prana (chi) thus provides nourishment to and invigorates the physical body in its totality through the effective functioning of the channels in the etheric body.
The etheric body and the physical body share an intimate bond of interdependence and what affects one, affects the other. Master Choa Kok Sui, after several years of detailed study, research and analysis, provided his students with much information about the nature and functioning of spiritual energy and the etheric body. This process of inter-related functioning works in accordance with the Law of Correspondence. Just as sickness in the etheric body is a precursor to sickness in the physical body, healing the etheric body heals the ailments in the physical body. The etheric body is thus a tetra-dimensional energy entity that serves as an integral counterpart of the physical body.
- The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui