The Wesak Celebration

"No cost is too great to pay in order to be of use to the Hierarchy at the time of the Wesak Festival; no price is too high in order to gain the spiritual illumination which can be possible at that time."
Alice Bailey
The WESAK, also known as BUDDHA PURNIMA, comes from the Sanskrit term Vaisakha, which refers to the month when Wesak is celebrated, and is one of the most auspicious festivals in many cultures, especially among the Buddhists. Buddha Purnima basically means the full moon of Buddha.
Though for some, Wesak appears to be a Buddhist practice, it is universal in nature. People from various backgrounds, races and religions gather together every year to take part in this great act of service and to receive the tremendous amount of spiritual energies and blessings that pour down on earth to accelerate their spiritual development.
Wesak believed to be the most powerful full moon of the year, Wesak meditation is conducted on the exact time of the full moon of Taurus.
In fact three full moons are very important in spiritual calendars: full moon of Aries, also known as the Easter, full moon of Taurus, also known as the Wesak and full moon of Gemini, also known as the festival of Goodwill.
According to Alice Bailey, the festival of Easter does not follow the Christian calendars and is celebrated on the full moon of Aries as the time of the most active forces for the restoration of the Christ. The Wesak, falls on the full moon of Taurus and is the time when the Buddha’s forces are available. During the third full moon the forces of reconstruction are active.
The Wesak, is basically the most powerful full moon of the year, and sometimes is called “Buddha’s Birthday” as it encompasses the birth, enlightenment and death of Gautama Buddha. Wesak is special, mainly because Buddha made a commitment to keep in touch with earth and its beings on this day. Therefore it is believed that on the exact time of Wesak, Buddha will come down, spiritual practitioners, Holy Masters and Arhats from all over the world join him for a greater service to mankind; to help in manifesting the divine plan on earth. At this sacred moment, the energy of Shambala is released upon earth through the Buddha. Therefore, Wesak, is known as the festival of Buddha, divine intermediary between the highest spiritual center, Shamballa, and the Spiritual Hierarchy.
Buddha as the embodiment of Divine Light and expression of Wisdom of God and Christ, as the embodiment of Divine Love are active during this festival, helping and strengthening those who serve humanity.
"It is believed that year after year, Buddha comes back for blessing and year after year together with the Christ, he works for the benefit of humanity. He transmits ‘a dual stream of force — one stream from the Silent Watcher, or higher counterpart of Sanat Kumara, and one stream from Sanat Kumara himself."
Alice Bailey
This ceremony is believed to happen in Tibet in a bottleneck-shaped valley carpeted with coarse grass, the mountainsides covered with trees, on the north side of the Himalayas about 400 miles west of Lhasa, as described by Alice Bailey and C.W. Leadbeater.
In fact five days of Wesak, including two days before and two days after, are highly important. The first two days are mostly used by the spiritual aspirants for purification, to prepare their system for a greater service and to remove all that could hinder their usefulness as channels of spiritual force. The last two days in this case are mostly spent for distribution of the divine energy, collected during Wesak festival, to the entire world to be utilized for further development and spiritual growth.
It is suggested that during the two days prior to the Wesak full moon, spiritual practitioners hold the attitude of dedication, service and receptivity to be able to be used by the Hierarchy more effectively. It is believed that the Hierarchy works through groups of souls. These groups will later contact and distribute the energy to waiting dedicated individuals.
On the last two days in this case, the job is to divert the attention from self to the outer world and distribute the energy to greater number of people.
Once a year, on what is considered to be the most powerful full moon of the year, your Higher Soul gets the chance and privilege to immerse itself in a downpour of Divine Energy to purify your vehicles, chakras and physical body as well as to use that energy to bless Mother Earth. Consequently, as you Bless Mother Earth you are generating tremendous amounts of good karma that can be utilized to bring forth Prosperity, Joy and Happiness in both your Spiritual & Material Life.
"Wesak links east and west, Buddha and Christ, Shamballa and Hierarchy, purpose and love."
Alice Bailey
PRANIC HEALERS, following the teachings of Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, have been active participants of the Wesak meditation for over a few decades now. Full moon of Taurus therefore marks a very special occasion for all the Pranic Healers worldwide, to join together in service and continue the legacy that Grand Master Choa Kok Sui has left behind.
- Osel Shen Phen Ling Tibetan Buddhist Center. (n.d.). The Wesak Festival . Retrieved from Souled Out:
- Bailey, A. A. (1989). Discipleship in the New Age, Volume 1. Lucis Press.
- Bailey, A. A. (1922). Initiation, Human and Solar. Lucis Press.
- Bailey, A. A. (1957). The Externalisation of the Hierarchy. Lucis Press.
- Brooks, C. (n.d.). Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust, and The Reappearance of The Christ. Retrieved from In Plain Site:
- What is the Wesak? (n.d.). Retrieved from Wesak:
- Šmid, D. (2012). Wesak, The White Lotus Day. Retrieved from Esoteric Online: