What is Karma

“Just as you created your present condition through your past, you create your future condition through your present deeds.”
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui
The philosophy of Karma is essentially based on the concept that what we give is what we will receive. If a person does something with intention, good or bad, the karmic effect will reach tenfold or more. If we plant a mango seed, we get a tree that produces many, many mangoes. In order to generate good karma, one must do good deeds.
The law of karma is “self-determining” and “self-directing” which basically means "What goes around, comes around". We cannot blame anyone for the problems and trouble that we are facing. We are responsible for our deeds, words, feelings and thoughts. It is possible to reverse an adverse condition by learning our lessons and doing good deeds. When applied positively, the law of karma manifests as the yang golden rule: “Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.” This rule can help us get what we want or desire. This means that if we want harmony in our life, we must be courteous to others. If applied as the yin golden rule: “Do not so unto others what you would not have them do unto you”, the law of karma can be used to avoid undesirable events. For example, if we do not want to be cheated, we need to be fair and honest to others. If you want to be loved, you need to show love and kindness to the others around us.
Master’s take on Negative Karma
Master Choa Kok Sui has explained the law of karma in the simplest way possible. In his courses, Master has thoroughly and deeply showed that how by regulating and modifying our actions it is possible to generate good karma for ourselves and also how we can neutralize the negative and bad karma from our past. We are in the habit of blaming our destiny for all our miseries but as per our Master, those misfortunes and bad luck could be turned around and we can make our lives happy and peaceful.
If a person has worked out most of his/her negative karma and has done no harm to anyone, then that person has nothing to fear and nobody can harm him/her. The base of the command given by Lord Jesus to “love your enemy” is the law of karma. If someone returns anger with anger and hatred with hatred, things will only aggravate. But if a person returns hatred and anger with love and kindness, it will result in peace and harmony.
Neutralizing the Negative Karma from the Past
It is possible to neutralize the negative karma by utilizing the “law of mercy” or “law of forgiveness”. We should forgive and bless all those who have hurt us. It is necessary to forgive because it helps us to release all the pent-up negative emotions. The law of mercy means that in order to receive mercy, one must always be merciful towards others. All forms of negative thoughts and emotions, injurious words and cruelty towards others must always be avoided. By working out and overcoming their negative karma one is purified and gains inner strength and wisdom.
- The Ancient Science and Art of Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui
- The Advanced Pranic Healing by Master Choa Kok Sui