Student's Review
February 01, 2019
Abeer R.
Egypt, Cairo
It is a great course that allowed me to grow and educate . I learned new things I did not know they existed before the course.
June 18, 2016
Ilhan K.
Turkey, Istanbul
Pranic healing course was a wonderful course with a great knowledge about the crystal stone. I read many books before about the crystals but after doing Master Choa Kok Sui’s course on crystals I recognise that my knowledge about crystal was limited and wrong about the crystals.
April 11, 2022
Atsutse Djah D.
Togo, Kara
Découverte des élémentaux négatifs, les formes pensée négatives,les énergies psychique et les trous , fissures.Comment les Désintégrer avec la couleur violette électrique.