Student's Review
July 07, 2019
Fusun G.
Turkey, Istanbul
I enjoyed every minute of the course. It was great, full of new knowledge for me. Thanks to my instructor and beloved organizers.
May 04, 2018
Amna A.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
I had previous knowledge on concepts of balance (give and take), karma (what you give is what you get plus more), meditation, and that the heart chakra is as powerful as the crown chakra.
The course validated my speculation of the existence of 2 major chakras rather than one on the forehead which are the Anji and the third eye. I also learned how to forgive, as well as heal myself and others.
January 07, 2023
Meryem L.
Morocco, Casablanca
Je suis arrivée sans trop en savoir sur le Pranic Healing et j'ai beaucoup apprécié la pédagogie et la manière dont les enseignements ont été diffusés dans la simplicité et dans la bienveillance. Les pratiques nombreuses permettent de mieux appréhender l'esprit de cette philosophie.