Student's Review
June 23, 2024
Lamis A.
Lebanon, Beirut
I found out that the printed booklets given in this course were not enough. The course has a lot of information when it comes to the presentation displayed where as the written booklets where not covering all the information given in class. We had to write and write and write the whole day.
March 30, 2019
Victoria T.
Kenya, Mombasa
I enjoyed everything the instructor was friendly. the course also gave me answers to questions concerned to my religion and it gave me an opportunity to develop as a person not only being able to heal it taught me to view the positive side of things or situations no matter how hard or difficult they are, how to maintain a healthy relationship with others and our God and above all it taught me nothing can be achievable or successful without help from GOD. Am really glad to have the opportunity to attend the course.
January 31, 2019
Amal F.
Lebanon, Beirut
Bonjour, j écris en français, je suis plus à l aise, merci.
Je voudrais commencer par remercier Dr Noha pour son efficacité de transmettre ces cours, avec soin et amour . Personnellement , cet apprentissage m a permis de me retrouver, d être bien avec moi-même en mettant le doigt sur les points qui me dérangeaient. Je suis arrivée, à ce stade, en commençant par me pardonner et pardonner les autres, en étant moins exigeante. J avoue qu auparavant, j ai suivi d autres formations en développement personnel , le pranic healing m a permis d aller plus en profondeur.