Student's Review
June 11, 2021
Zahar A.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Prakash is amazing. I truly enjoyed the course and I felt the cleansing effects of Crystal healing. I’m so happy that I can finally cleanse and program my crystals. I learned so much, I’m grateful for this experience. Highly recommended.
December 15, 2017
Qumasha A.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
I have attended psychotherapy, I finished and uploaded my last certificate. Can you please update.
I learned a lot and started healing people who noticed major difference in their lives
July 09, 2021
Shaila T.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
I had been wanting to do this course since last year when I became aware of it.
my brother has been going through some tough times during this pandemic. I sought help of my instructor who asked me to do Kriyashakti for my brother, since I didn't know how to, he gracefully did it on my behalf and it worked (my brother got some relief) with master's blessings
looking forward to making my family and my life more meaningful with the techniques and teachings of GMCKS.