Student's Review
April 01, 2017
Moussa A.
Lebanon, Dekwaneh
Instructor didn't provide this course the required time; to explain more, demonstrate as required and do some practices for students one to one.
The class was very crowded, around 25 students, and the room very small, and very cold, no central heating.
I didn't lean anything new, it was a waste of time and money.
I am looking to do refresh for this course later with a professional instructor.
July 15, 2017
Ozge C.
Turkey, Istanbul
Kendimi gelistirmek adina yaptigim ilk tecrubeydi. Ve kisisel olarak oldukca etkili bir katkisi oldugunu soyleyebilirim.
July 15, 2017
Can E.
Turkey, Ankara
Eğitmenlerimiz anlatılması hereken herşeyi çok iyi anlattılar ve uygulamalar ile destekledikler. Sordugum bütün sorular cevaplandı.