Student's Review
June 24, 2018
Gurkiran K.
Tanzania, United Republic of, Arusha
With a dangerous world out there, I know how to protect myself and my loved ones.
December 08, 2017
Sara N.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Very informative, a lot to assimilate, a true eye opener that stretches awareness instantly and enables us to connect the dots, realize that universal laws are incredibly mathematical, and that the greatness of God is beyond anything we can ever imagine, hence we leave having more faith, knowing the path, and wanting to achieve and serve more, GMCKS is a true blessing and I'm forever grateful.
March 04, 2023
Patricia C.
Senegal, Mbour
Présenté de façon ludique, Aurélie se montre professionnelle, convaincante, et manifeste beaucoup de bienveillance ce qui éveille curiosité, envie de poursuivre dans cette voie.