Student's Review
April 21, 2018
Kaajal R.
Kenya, Nairobi
This was a fantastic course and more important, we had a great facilitator who helped embed all the learning with real life stories.
November 19, 2016
Priti K.
Kenya, Nairobi
Really enlightened on how the chakras also have physcological impact and how the negative energy or entities find a home in the web of the chakras
September 27, 2019
Ibrahim I.
Jordan, Amman
It is excellent It had increased my knowlege in this field which is New to me
In the past I have No knowlege about Pranic healing the course helped me to understand the Human body structure and the related chakras and how They are effected by Prana
Learend and read many Protcols For healing which is Like a miracle and did practice during the coure
The instructer guided us step by step during the course and we practice alot during the course which helped to understand the content of the book