Student's Review
February 15, 2020
Wangui C.
Kenya, Nairobi
I would like to commend Shawana as my instructor for this course, she was very knowledgeable and effortless in her instruction, which made the lessons easy and fun to learn. I am happy to understand and grasp the concept of energies and healing, which helped me understand my sensitivity and feelings to certain things and situations in the past. I intend to practice pranic healing on my family, and then move on to healing others. it was truly enlightening, and I am very happy I did this course.
February 09, 2019
Raya H.
Lebanon, Beirut
Thank you
March 23, 2019
Ozgu D.
Turkey, Ankara
Kendini şifalandırma kısmı biraz daha uzun ve detaylı olabililrdi.Kursun son günü ve son saatlerinde bu konunun işlenmesi beni yordu.