Student's Review
September 25, 2017
Sheila B.
Kenya, Nairobi
It was enlightening and powerful, during the course I was overwhelmed with knowledge and now I've been granted my calling to heal and help people.
December 08, 2017
Sara N.
United Arab Emirates, Dubai
Very informative, a lot to assimilate, a true eye opener that stretches awareness instantly and enables us to connect the dots, realize that universal laws are incredibly mathematical, and that the greatness of God is beyond anything we can ever imagine, hence we leave having more faith, knowing the path, and wanting to achieve and serve more, GMCKS is a true blessing and I'm forever grateful.
December 03, 2022
Zaineb F.
Morocco, Rabat
Mon conjoint avait souffert de la tendinite dans ses mollets pendants des années et il avait été guéri grâce à la guérison pranique. Mais ces mêmes douleurs se sont reproduits dans son épaule et son dos et le soir après la 1er séance de la guérison pranique, je lui ait appliqué le protocole. Parce que je savais qu'il était psychologique.