The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy®

MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy

"Pranic Psychotherapy is a powerful tool in healing psychological ailments and can be used to complement clinical psychology and psychiatry."

- Master Choa Kok Sui

MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy is simply Pranic Healing applied in preventing, alleviating and treating psychological ailments. In spite of tremendous progress made in the field of science and medicine, treatments for psychological ailments are expensive, difficult and take a long time to perform.

It is the aim of Pranic Psychotherapy to complement modern medicine and to help rapidly alleviate suffering of millions of patients with psychological ailments with the use of esoteric principles and techniques that have long been hidden.

Nowadays, most people are grappling with various emotional and mental issues like stress and anxiety to severe psychological disorders like depression, phobias and addictions. Pranic Psychotherapy is a revolution in treating psychological ailments as it introduces practical explanations and techniques to remove the negative thoughts and emotions from our system, thereby improving our health.

Psychological ailments are basically the result of accumulation of negative thoughts, emotions and traumatic experiences, which are lodged in the Auras and Chakras. Releasing such energies normally requires months or years of traditional psychotherapy consultation sessions, while with Pranic Psychotherapy techniques you can safely and quickly remove them from your system as well as others. The result will be peaceful emotions, harmonizing relationships, positive thinking patterns and good self-esteem.

Pranic Psychotherapy offers you the ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger and resentment that may be limiting you from your greater potential. This course bridges the gap between the mind, physical body and the human energy system, providing new dimensions to traditional psychotherapeutic measures and practices.

Pranic Psychotherapy course should be taken after Advanced Pranic Healing course. Here, the student will learn about the psychological function of the chakras. It is the application of Pranic Healing techniques to heal emotional and mental imbalances.

Some of the topics and techniques covered in Pranic Psychotherapy Course are:

  • The Eleven Major Chakras and Their Psychological Functions.
  • Protective web, Negative elementals and Negative thought forms.
  • Techniques to Repair damaged or cracked protective web of the chakra to prevent future intrusions.
  • The ability to quickly and safely release negative thoughts and emotions like fear, anger and resentment that may be limiting the person from his/her greater potential.
  • To overcome negative habits & addictions.
  • Help people who are psychologically imbalanced, even ones who have a suicidal tendency, or who are mentally retarded.
  • Special techniques to transmute sexual energies of teenage children into intelligence and concentration.
  • Healing psychic attacks that can cause anxiety attacks, irritability, bad luck or even financial ruin.
  • Shielding techniques to protect your chakras and aura to from influence of negative energy.
  • Removing the negative influences (e.g., envy, jealousy, anger, etc.) of other people around us.
  • Self-healing techniques.
  • Learning a powerful meditation - Meditation on Twin Hearts with Psychological Health(Twin hearts with Chakra Healing).
  • Techniques to regulate Anger.
  • Healing by command techniques.
  • Ritual of Sacrifice and Blessings.
  • Many more …

In Pranic Psychotherapy Course the student will be taught how to heal a wide range of psychological ailments from:

  • Healing Stress and Migraine Headaches.
  • How to Improve and Save your Marriage.
  • Healing Sexual Impotence.
  • Healing Irritability, Anxiety, Grief and Hysteria.
  • Healing Phobias, Traumas, Obsessions and Compulsions.
  • Healing Nymphomania, Exhibitionism, Sexual Violence and Child Molesting.
  • Healing Addictions: Smoking, Alcoholism and Drug Addiction.
  • Healing Hallucination: Visual Hallucination, Auditory Hallucination.
  • Healing Restlessness.
  • Healing Depression: Depression due to Psychological Factors, Sever Depression, Suicidal Tendencies.
  • Healing Violent and Paranoid Patients.
  • Treatment for Mental Retardation and Dyslexia.
  • Healing Relationships.
  • Many more …

MCKS Pranic Psychotherapy course takes 2 days.

Prerequisite: MCKS Basic Pranic Healing and MCKS Advanced Pranic Healing

Note: The courses should be taken in order since each level prepares the base for the later. The instructor himself along with the students practices the techniques while teaching. After every course an internationally accepted attendance certificate is given by Master Choa Kok Sui’s  Institute for Inner Studies or World Pranic Healing Foundation.


Showing 10 most recent testimonials
  • March 17, 2025

    Manoj G.
    United Arab Emirates, Abu Dhabi

    Feel blessed to come across this course. Regret , for being late in knowing this in my life
    Krishna and Sangeetha in Rythm is doing an amazing job in spreading this amazing techings of our master

  • January 18, 2025

    Festus N.
    Ghana, Accra

    It's a great blessing getting to know about Pranic Healing and It means a lot to me.

  • October 08, 2024

    Sally H.
    Egypt, Cairo

    I am incredibly grateful for this course, as it has opened my eyes to see life in a totally different way. It has provided me with new perspectives…

  • August 02, 2024

    Tagreed Hussin A.
    Iraq, Baghdad

    افضل تجربة كانت لي في التعلم عن علم الطاقة البرانية وطرق المعالجة تجربة غنية بالمعرفة اشكر مجهودات كل من شارك في هذه التجربة

  • July 13, 2024

    Fatima Emad Y.
    Iraq, Baghdad

    I loved the course because it was clear, comprehensive with information, answered my questions, added a new skill to me, and also helped me develop myself.... I always strive to elevate my spirit, help others, and spread these sciences...

  • June 04, 2024

    Rozina A.
    Kenya, Mombasa

    Although I did the review of this course but it was knowledgeable n refreshing

  • March 04, 2024

    Gulsum Irem B.
    Turkey, Istanbul

    Kursun içeğini çok zengindi. Beklemtilerimin ötesini karşıladı

  • March 03, 2024

    Lale K.
    Turkey, Istanbul

    Katıldığım için şanslı hissettigim bir eğitimdi. Kurs süresinin 1 gün olmasi beni yordu ve ağir geldi, 2 gün olmasınin daha iyi olabilecegini düşünüyorum, çok hızlı akinca eğitim zorlandim.
    Teşekkür ederim.

  • March 02, 2024

    Umitzhan B.
    North Cyprus, Girne

    Благодарю за этот курс ! Все прошло на высшем уровне ! Профессионализм нашего инструктора Амира на высшем уровне ! Узнала очень очень много полезного , интересного ! Организация на высшем уровне ! Было все доступно, все были окружённы заботой . Амир был очень терпелив и доносил знания очень доступно и интересно , было много юмора , что очень помогло. Обстановка была очень тёплой, доброжелательной, всего было в изобилии! Благодарю за такой замечательный курс ! Все было незабываемо! Амир вы лучший!

  • February 21, 2024

    Lyazat K.
    North Cyprus, Girne

    Это было сильное завершение всех курсов, при этом очень манительное приглашение на следующий.
    Все оказалось проще, чем я думала, как говорится, все Великое -просто.

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