Ray Four - Harmony through Conflict

Based on traditional esoteric teachings, Ray four is the ray of harmony through conflict and is referred to the process of harmonizing conflicting viewpoints. According to Master Choa Kok Sui the purpose of this ray is to encourage a deeper study of the matter, working out the conflicting factors and resulting in a decision with minimal side effects.
The ability to see all the different angels and perspectives and reaching a solution which is effective, workable and comprehensive is in fact a sign of maturity.
People who belong to Ray four are quite rare at this point of time and according to Alice Bailey, people with Ray 4 quality will slowly come into manifestation after year 2025.
Ray Four, the Ray of Harmony, Beauty and Art
Special Virtues | Strong affections, sympathy, physical courage, generosity, devotion, quickness of intellect and perception. |
Vices of Ray | Self-centeredness, worrying, inaccuracy, lack of moral courage, strong passions, indolence, extravagance. |
Virtues to be acquired | Serenity, confidence, self-control, purity, unselfishness, accuracy, mental and moral balance. |
Ray four is often called the “ray of struggle” for this ray, the quality of rajas (activity) and tamas (inertia) are so strangely equal in proportion that the nature of the 4th Ray man is torn with the combat, and the outcome, when satisfactory, is spoken of as “The Birth of Horus,” of The Christ, born from the throes of constant pain and suffering.
Tamas induces love of ease and pleasure, a hatred of causing pain amounting to moral cowardice, indolence, procrastination, a desire to let things be, to rest and take no thought of the marrows. Rajas is fiery, impatient, ever urging to action. These contrasting forces in the nature make life one perpetual warfare and unrest for the 4th Ray man; the friction and the experience gained thereby may produce very rapid evolution, but the man may as easily become a ne’er- do-well as a hero.
It is the ray of the dashing cavalry leader, reckless of risks to himself or his followers. It is the ray of the man who will lead a forlorn hope, for in moments of excitement the 4th Ray man is entirely dominated by rajas; of the wild speculator and gambler, full of enthusiasm and plans, easily overwhelmed by sorrow or failure, but as quickly recovering from all reverses and fortunes.
It is pre-eminently the ray of colour, of the artist whose colour is always great, though his drawing will often be defective. (Watts was fourth and second rays). The 4th Ray man always loves colours, and can generally produce it. If untrained as an artist, a colour sense is sure to appear in other ways, in choice of dress or decorations.
In music, Ray four compositions are always full of melody, and the 4th Ray man loves a tune. As a writer or poet, his work will often be brilliant and full of exaggerations and often pessimistic. He will generally talk well and have a sense of humour but he varies between brilliant conversations, and gloomy silences, according to his mood. He is a delightful and difficult person to live with.
In healing, the best fourth ray method is massage and magnetism, used with knowledge.
The method of approaching the Path will be self-control thus gaining equilibrium amongst warring forces of the nature. The lower and extremely dangerous way is by Hatha Yoga.
The 4th Ray of Harmony Through Conflict is controlling factor in human affairs at all times, and peculiarly today.
Ray four is, in the last analysis, the ray which teaches the art of living in order to produce a synthesis of beauty. There is no beauty without unity, without embodied idealism and the resultant symmetrical unfoldment. This ray is not the ray of art, as it is often claimed, but is the energy which brings about the beauty of those living forms which embody the ideas, and the ideals which are seeking immediate expression. Many people claim to be on ray four because they dream of the artistic expressive life; as creative art expresses itself upon all the rays.
Ray four will work out in the following ways:
In the development of the intuition by the means of knowledge of sound vibration, and the higher mathematics. This is being already touched upon exoterically.
Music, as a means to be employed in building and destroying, will be recognized, and the laws of levitation and/or rhythmic movement in all forms, from an atom to a solar system, will be studied. The manipulation of matter of all kinds by the means of sound will be practiced on the two lower planes, and when the synthesis of the four rays into the third is in process of accomplishment, then a similar knowledge will be displayed on the mental plane.
The laws of fire will be gradually permitted esoteric publication; there are twenty seven occult laws which are only revealed after initiation at this stage of evolution. In them are summed up the basic laws of colour and of music and rhythm. When the music produces warmth or stimulation, and when pictures, for instance, glow or reveal the subjective within the objective, then will the 4th Ray of Harmony be coming to fruition.
Ray four of Harmony gives to all forms that which produces beauty and works towards the harmonizing of all effects emanating from the world of causes, which is the world of 3 major rays. The ray of beauty, of art and Harmony, is the producer of the quality of organization through form. It is in the last analysis the ray of mathematical exactitude and is not the ray of the artist, as so many seem to think. The artist is found on all rays, just as is the engineer or the physician, the home-maker or the musician.
Read more about Master Serapis Bey the Chohan of the fourth Ray
- Bailey, A. A. (1995). The Seven Rays of Life. Lucis Publishing Companies.
- Bailey, A. A. (1971). Esoteric Psychology: A Treatise on the Seven Rays (Vol. Vol. 1). Lucis Publishing Company.
- Bailey, A. A. (1973). A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. Lucis Publishing Company.
- Master Choa Kok Sui. (2004). Achieve the Impossible, The Golden Lotus Sutras on Spiritual Business Management. Institute for Inner Studies Publishing Foundation, Inc.