Annie Besant was a renowned writer, orator, and political activist and advocate for peace who fought unceasingly for social justice and human rights and wrote about philosophy and religion. Her work lives on beyond her death, inspiring generations of people who seek peace though equality and justice. Read More
Some Problems of Life
Annie BesantEnglish
AN attempt is made in the following pages to discuss some of the Problems of Life and Mind that exercise the brains and wring the hearts of thoughtful people. These problems will be studied with the a...
Annie Besant explores the esoteric principles behind Christianity, truths that its priestly leaders have long repudiated. She reveals the different levels of meaning inherent in such concepts as The S...
This little book is intended to help the student to study his own nature, so far as its intellectual part is concerned. If he masters the principles herein laid down, he will be in a fair way to co-op...
Everyone who has preceded me in this Chair has rendered his thanks in fitting terms for the gift which is truly said to be the highest that India has it in her power to bestow. It is the sign of her f...
Evolution is the unfolding and manifestation of life-energies, the unfolding of the capacities of consciousness, the manifestation of these ever-increasing capacities in ever-improving and more plasti...
We are often asked questions about Devachan, and specific information about it has been given in our books and in our lectures. But if you understand only stray facts concerning Devachan, you will rea...
We are to deal here with the special manifestations of two Superhuman Men in History and Religion, with the life, the power, of two Supreme Teachers of the world. Tonight the general theory is to be t...
The savage of today is the saint of the future; all tread a similar road; all are destined to ultimate human perfection. Pain follows on mistakes and is ever remedial; strength is developed by struggl...
IT is the custom in modern days so to praise peace, and to be so horrified at the ghastly physical concomitants of war, that it does not seem to strike people to look quietly into the question, and to...
Those who seriously take up the study of Theosophy should not be satisfied with the mere reading of the voluminous theosophical literature poured out into the world through the centuries of the past, ...
THESE six lectures were delivered at Adyar, at the Theosophical Headquarters, and were intended to offer a simple outline of the fundamental ideas of The WISDOM to an intelligent and educated public, ...
ONE of the differences which are continually arising between occult knowledge and the oriental science which has of late years been growing up in the West, is the question of the age of the great reli...
Marriage, As It Was, As It Is, And As It Should Be
Annie BesantEnglish
The recognition of human rights may be said to be of modern growth, and even yet they are but very imperfectly understood. Liberty used to be regarded as a privilege bestowed, instead of as an inheren...
But let me remind you, before I take that up, of another change that has come over Science it used to argue for the existence of force, though invisible, because matter cannot move without it. It is n...
These lectures are published as they were delivered, at the request of many who had heard them. They are merely a popular treatment of a large subject, but may prove useful to some who are repelled by...
It is inclusive of all humanity, belongs equally to men of every race and age. And the work of Theosophy in the world is only to help in the unfolding of man's divine nature, knowing that its very nam...
Little need be said in sending out this booklet to the world. It is an attempt, a very humble attempt, to draw a few drops from the ancient wells of Aryan wisdom, and to offer them to quench the thirs...
The inner core of the Life-Web is the means of communication between the Spiritual Triad and the bodies, and, as more and more life is poured down, the inner core glows ever more radiantly with the pu...
Man is not his body; the body is but the garment that he wears; and man can never be understood, when you leave out of his pedigree the Spirit that makes him eternal, and the intelligence, which is an...
So with all other forces, above and below; so in every field of the universe, visible and invisible. You must know the Laws of the Higher Life, if you would live it. Know them, and they will carry you...
I want to put before you, if I can in these three lectures, a certain view of the world, and of the way in which that world is guided and directed. As this meeting is a public meeting, there is one st...
Author Annie Besant states that this book is intended for those seeking to live the "Higher Life" or are treading the Path of Discipleship. The letters contained in this text express the importance of...
The Free thinker, Part 2 (Christianity, It's Evidences, It's Origin, It's Morality, It's History)
Annie BesantEnglish
The origin of all religions, and the ignorance which is the root of the God-idea, having been dealt with in Part I. of this Text-Book, it now becomes our duty to investigate the evidences of the origi...
IN addition to the large number of volumes which stand in the name of Annie Besant in the catalogue of the British Museum, there is a great quantity of literature, for which she is responsible, that h...
IN addition to the large number of volumes which stand in the name of Annie Besant in the catalogue of the British Museum, there is a great quantity of literature, for which she is responsible, that h...
Essays and Addresses Vol. 3- Evolution and Occultism
Annie BesantEnglish
IN addition to the large number of volumes which stand in the name of Annie Besant in the catalogue of the British Museum, there is a great quantity of literature, for which she is responsible, that h...
Now, when we look over the modern world after these one-and-forty years, what do we see ? We see that Science and Religion again are clasping hands. We see that materialism is discredited, and that th...
Is it possible to reconstruct - in order that mankind may live more nobly and more happily than it does today - is it possible to construct a higher, a greater, a more enduring civilisation, because b...
I am so often asked for references to some pamphlet or journal in which may be found some outline of my life, and the enquiries are so often couched in terms of such real kindness, that I have resolve...
These lectures are intended to give an outline of Yoga, in order to prepare the student to take up, for practical purposes, the Yoga sutras of Patanjali, the chief treatise on Yoga. I have on hand, wi...
I begin by laying before you a sketch of the methods of "Ancient and Modern Science," the direction in which each has worked, and is working, the ultimate union that, we hope, may take place between t...
Now the Jainas are comparatively a small body; they only number between one and two million men; a community powerful not by its numbers, but by its purity of life, and also by the wealth of its membe...
There is nothing new in these lectures, but only old truths retold. But the truths are of such vivid and perennial interest that, though old, they are never stale, and, though well known, there is alw...
London Lectures (Of 1907), by Annie Besant was originally published in 1907. The work is a series of lectures Besant gave at Queen's Hall, London on 16, 23 and 30, June 1907. The topics covered were: ...
When the nations of the earth were sent forth one after the other, a special word was given by God to each, the word which each was to say to the world, the peculiar word from the Eternal which each o...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 1- Emotion, Intellect and Spirituality
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 7- The Meaning and Method of Spiritual Life
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 19- Occultism, Semi-Occultism, and Pseudo-Occultism
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 24- The Brotherhood of Religions
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 27- Vegetarianism in the Light of Theosophy
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 30- Communication Between Different Worlds
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 32- Theosophy and it's Evidences
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 36- Investigations into the Super-physical
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 40- The Reality of the Invisible and the Actuality of the Unseen Worlds
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 43- The Inner Purpose of the Theosophical Society
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 45- Spiritual Life for the Man of the World
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 53- East and West, The Destinies of Nations
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 56- Modern Science and the Higher Self
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 61- When A Man Dies, Shall He Live Again
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 64- Psychic and Spiritual Development
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 66- Bearing of Religious Ideals on Social Reconstruction
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 113- Necessity for Reincarnation
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 135- The Work of the Ruler and the Teacher
Annie BesantEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Besant intended this book to be a contribution to the science of psychology.She writes that the seed of consciousness is the tri-atomic: Atma-Buddhi-Manas, the Jivatma.The Super-consciousness includes...
Now Reincarnation is a truth that has swayed the minds of innumerable millions of our race, and has moulded the thoughts of the vast majority for uncounted centuries. It dropped out of the European mi...
To know man is to know God. To know God is to know man. To study the universe is to learn both God and man; for the universe is the expression of the Divine Thought, and the universe is mirrored in ma...
There is no doubt, for any observant person, that what is sometimes called a ‘wave’ of mysticism is passing over the world at the present time. It matters not whether you travel in the East or in the ...
This is one of the most important books on spiritual growth ever offered. Annie Besant was an amazing teacher who wrote a number of books and played a key role in the early years of the Theosophical S...
For all that it is perfectly true that there is a stage in which knowledge once more comes in, and the devotee may learn from his Guru how to become a conscious co-worker with the spiritual forces. He...
We live in a realm of law, that we are surrounded by laws that we cannot break, this is a truism. Yet when the fact is recognized in a real and vital way, and when it is seen to be a fact in the menta...
This book includes three important works by famous Theosophist Annie Besant. They are: A Study in Karma (an in-depth analysis of the laws of karma), Memories of Past Lives, and The Necessity for Reinc...
The clearest and best way of all in which to think of man is to regard him as one, the Spirit or True Self; this belongs to the highest region of the universe, and is universal, the same for all; it i...
So much confusion exists as to consciousness and its vehicles, the man and the garments that he wears, that it seems expedient to place before Theosophical students a plain statement of the facts so f...
For those intimidated by Madame Blavatsky's massive and complex tome, The Secret Doctrine, Annie Besant presents the basic tenets of Theosophical thought in a concise, easy to digest format. While a m...
Ever the idea of the Masters, the Elder Brothers of Humanity, sends a thrill through the human heart, and any words about them are eagerly and gladly welcomed. The idea of there being anything illogic...
Theosophy is derived from two Greek words – Theos , God; Sophia, Wisdom –and is therefore God- Wisdom, Divine Wisdom. Any dictionary will give its meaning : “A claim to a direct knowledge of God and o...