Charles Webster Leadbeater was a British mystic and clairvoyant of the early 20th century who is credited with discovering Jiddu Krishnamurti. Read More
A Textbook of Theosophy
C. W. LeadbeaterEnglish
A Textbook Of Theosophy by Charles Webster Leadbeater is the ultimate guide to Theosophy. Theosophy is thought to be a part of the broader field of esotericism, referring to wisdom that offers the ind...
The Masonic fellowship differs from all other societies in that candidates for membership have to join it blindfold, and cannot receive much information about it until they actually enter its ranks. E...
Charles Webster Leadbeater was inducted into the Theosophical Society in London on November 21, 1883. A year later he left for India with Madame H. P. Blavatsky, where he underwent training in several...
Theosophy may be described to the outside world as an intelligent theory of the universe. Yet for those who have studied it, it is not theory, but fact; for it is a definite science, capable of being ...
Of the general nature of the unseen world I have written elsewhere. For the moment, let usconcentrate our attention on one of its most striking characteristics - the ready response of thefiner types o...
THE papers in this compilation were all written by Brother C. W. Leadbeater about the years 1892-95, in London. It is about The Steps of the Path, The Hierarchy of the First Ray, Notes of a Conversati...
Many persons who feel themselves attracted towards Theosophy, whose interest is aroused by its reasonableness and by the manner in which it accounts for many things which otherwise seem inexplicable, ...
Spiritualism and theosophy are scientifically examined and carefully described in this work. Contents: spiritualistic phenomena; personal experiences; utilization of the medium's body; clairvoyance in...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 2- The Attitude of the Enquirer
C. W. LeadbeaterEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No. 184- Third Object of the Theosophical Society
C. W. LeadbeaterEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No 100- Difficulties in Clairvoyance
C. W. LeadbeaterEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Adyar Pamphlet No.155- The Work of the Theosophists
C. W. LeadbeaterEnglish
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
The Theosophical Society in Adyar issued 212 pamphlets in this series from 1911-1936, usually through the Theosophical Publishing House in Adyar. Some of the titles had been published previously throu...
Charles Webster Leadbeater was influential early in the development of mixed gender Freemasonry and at the peak of the Theosophical influence.
Leadbeater wrote a lot, but it seems that his bibliograp...
In the first place, we must try to realize that messages from the unseen world are quite common things. The person who receives a message of that sort usually feels himself to be specially favoured, a...
The great war is the one topic of the day, the one thing about which everyone speaks - the one thing, also, about which everyone thinks, and yet vast numbers of people are not thinking rightly about i...
It cannot be denied that from the theosophical standpoint the subject of our relation to children is an exceedingly important and practical one. Realizing, as we must, the purpose for which the ego de...
THE issue of The Call of the World-Mother through the instrumentality of our great President has probably attracted but little attention outside of Theosophical circles; but it is an event of supreme ...
Leadbeater addresses this question of the aspirant, who may be wondering why the Master hasn’t singled them out and asked for more. Leadbeater points out that the offer must come from the other side. ...
Publication of Mahatma Letters was forbidden by Mahatmas for various reasons. Below we see those reasons and also disastrous implications if they were published.
How does occultism regard vegetarianism? It regards it very favorably, and that for many reasons. These reasons may be divided into two classes: those which are ordinary and physical, and those which ...
This book, Reveals the true occult meaning behind church ceremonies. Contents: A New Idea of Church Worship The Holy Eucharist Holy Baptism and Confirmation Holy Orders The Lesser Sacraments The Altar...
To speak about the astral plane in India is a somewhat different thing from speaking about it in other lands. In England or in America the great difficulty which the ordinary auditor finds with regard...
"The stories told in this book happen to be true. Of course I do not for a moment expect the ordinary reader to believe that, and I shall be perfectly satisfied if I succeed in whiling away for him th...
In connection with the vision of which I gave an analysis on p47, questions have been asked by several as to the method by which a person at a distance of some thousands of miles can be instantly foun...
There are many students of theosophy who have been, and indeed still are earnest Christians; and though their faith has gradually broadened out into unorthodoxy, they have retained a strong affection ...
In the previous manual an attempt was made to describe to some extent the astral plane — the lower part of the vast unseen world in the midst of which we live and move unheeding. In this little book m...
Leadbeater describes what a non-member might expect to encounter behind closed-doors at a Theosophical Lodge meeting, such as he would have attended in his day, what they may get out of it, what they ...
Dreams are part of common experience, yet a mystery that is little understood. C.W.Leadbeater, an eminent clairvoyant and author of many books, explains in the manual how human consciousness functions...
What do the many examples of "invisible helpers" coming to the aid of those in danger say about higher planes of existence? Do trans-dimensional beings watch over us from the astral plane? Here, in th...
Prolific writer and influential member of the Theosophical Society, Charles Leadbeater enlightens seekers on the law of divine justice, karma and chance. Written for students of Theosophy.
C.W. Leadbeater offers an enlightened study of the Path of Discipleship under the Guidance of the Ascended Masters. While existing in our troubled world, we can see in this work the place of initiatio...
This subject of life after death is one of great interest to all of us, not only because we ourselves must certainly one day die, but far more because there can scarcely be any one among us, except pe...
The information available on the subject of the Monad is necessarily scanty. We are not at present in a position to supplement it to any great extent; but a statement of the case, as far as it is at p...
Leadbeater discusses his own struggles in occult initiation, through both astral and physical trials, which eventually led him to the ability to access what he describes as the buddhic consciousness. ...
The Astral Plane is a wonderful insight into the unseen world and the dynamics of our universe. Dealing with subjects surrounding areas such as consciousness, the astral worlds, and expanded states of...
First published in 1899, Clairvoyance is Leadbeater's short handbook on the methods used in seeing and hearing beyond normal perception. Humans can only see a certain range of light under normal circu...