Helena Petrovna Blavatsky was a noted esotericist, writer, and theosophist of Russian-Ukrainian descent. She co-founded the Theosophical Society and wrote extensively on esoteric thought. Read More
Nightmare Tales
H. P. BlavatskyEnglish
This little book, composed of stories thrown off by her in her lighter moments, shows her as a vivid, graphic writer, gifted with brilliant imagination. The student will catch glimpses of reality unde...
Where then is the Wisdom of our modern age?
In truth, it requires but a very few lines to show why we bow before ancient Wisdom, while refusing absolutely to see any in our modern civilization. But t...
Of course it is most difficult, and, as you say, “puzzling” to understand correctly and distinguish between the various aspects, called by us the “principles” of the real EGO. It is the more so as the...
Our authorities for representing the pentagram or the five-pointed star as the microcosm, and the six-pointed double triangle as the macrocosm, are all the best known Western Kabalists— mediaeval and ...
The following transactions are compiled from shorthand notes taken at the meetings of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society, being somewhat condensed from the original discussions.
The following transactions are compiled from shorthand notes taken at the meetings of the Blavatsky Lodge of the Theosophical Society, being somewhat condensed from the original discussions.
The problem of the origin of evil can be philosophically approached only if the archaic Indian formula is taken as the basis of the argument. Ancient wisdom alone solves the presence of the universal ...
A new influence, a breath, a sound —"as of a rushing mighty wind" — has suddenly swept over a few Theosophical heads. An idea, vague at first, grew in time into a very definite form, and now seems to ...
The subject matter of the present article has not been chosen from any desire of “finding fault" with the Christian religion, as LUCIFER is often accused of doing. No special animosity is felt towards...
The true Adept, the developed man, must, we are always told, become, he cannot be made. The process is therefore one of growth through evolution, and this must necessarily involve a certain amount of ...
Theosophical literature, as well as traditional texts from the world's religious and philosophical traditions, are full of terminology that may be quite unfamiliar to most readers. The Theosophical Gl...
Years have been devoted by the writer to the study of those invisible beings – conscious, semiconscious, and entirely senseless – called by a number of names in every country under the sun, and known ...
The great psychic and spiritual change now taking place in the realm of human Soul, is quite remarkable.
It began towards the very commencement of the now slowly vanishing last quarter of our century...
IT is a striking commentary upon the imperfection of our modern system of medicine that an almost unanimous scepticism prevailed among physicians as to the power of healing the sick by mesmeric method...
So little is known by Europeans of what is going on in Tibet, and even in the more accessible Bhootan. We will try to give a more correct view of the situation than has hitherto been had from books. O...
“You must remember,” said Mme. Blavatsky, “that I never meant this for a scientific work. My letters to the Russian Messenger, under the general title: ‘From the Caves and Jungles of Hindostan,’ were ...
Chela is a Sanskrit word that literally means "servant" or "slave". In Hinduism the term is used to denominate the religious student or disciple of a spiritual master or guru. In Theosophy the term is...
The Crown of Asphodels is formed of five blooms: First Bloom, The dawn of life; Second Bloom, The awakening of the heart; Third Bloom, The opening of the sense of sympathy which makes the soul, so far...
Great confusion exists in the minds of people about the various kinds of apparitions, wraiths, ghosts, or spirits. Ought we not to explain once for all the meaning of these terms? You say there are va...
The articles in your paper headed "Is Suicide a Crime?" have suggested to my mind to ask another question, "Is Foeticide a crime?" Not that I personally have any serious doubts about the unlawfulness ...
The following suggestive lines on the mental state of a dying person: “At the last moment, the whole life is reflected in our memory and emerges from all the forgotten nooks and corners, picture after...
As Lucifer was started as an organ of the Theosophical Society and means of communication between the senior Editor and the numerous Fellows of our Society for their instruction, and as we find that t...
ALAS, whether we turn East, West, North or South, it is but a contrast of externals; whether one observes life among Christians or Pagans, worldly or religious men, everywhere one finds oneself dealin...
In this month's “Correspondence” several letters testify to the strong impression produced on some minds by our last month's article, Practical Occultism. Such letters go far to prove and strengthen t...
Helena P. BLAVATSKY states that animals have five principles (as opposed to seven in a human being), and that they reincarnate almost immediately to higher animal organisms after death. These five wou...
It is no exaggeration to say that there never was—during the present century, at any rate—a movement, social or religious, so terribly, nay, so absurdly misunderstood, or more blundered about than THE...
No star, among the countless myriads that twinkle over the sidereal fields of the night sky, shines so dazzlingly as the planet Venus- not even Sirius-Sothis, the dog-star, beloved by Isis. Venus is t...
The Stanzas of Dzyan were originally released by Helena Blavatsky as part of her Secret Doctrine in the late 1800s. Popular in the era regardless of her habit of being caught out conducting fraudulent...
According to lexicographers, the term theosophia is composed of two Greek words -theos, "god," and sophos, "wise." So far, correct. But the explanations that follow are far from giving a clear idea of...
Occultism (from the Latin occultus, meaning "hid") as presented here refers primarily to the esoteric theosophy concealed in religion and nature. In this series of articles, Blavatsky clarifies the "...
ISIS UNVEILED was H. P. Blavatsky's first major literary effort, a critical response to the growing materialism in both scientific and religious institutions, and a vindication of the ageless quest. S...
The Voice of the Silence represents a collection of fragments from an ancient and unknown text called "The Book of the Golden Precepts". It outlines the two paths of spiritual enlightenment: the first...
Blavatsky wanted to publish a third and fourth volume of The Secret Doctrine. After Blavatsky's death, a controversial third volume of The Secret Doctrine was prepared from Blavatsky's papers and publ...
The second half of the book describes the origins of humanity through an account of "Root Races" said to date back millions of years. The first root race was, according to her, "ethereal"; the second ...
In Volume One, Blavatsky details her interpretation of the origin and evolution of the universe itself, in terms derived from the Hindu concept of cyclical development. The world and everything in it ...
The Key to Theosophy outlines the central ideas behind the modern theosophical movement and the Theosophical Society. It is written in a way to be accessible to anyone, from first-time to long-time st...