The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Arhatic Yoga Prep-Intensive Practice


Name: North Cyprus Pranic Healing Center
Country: North Cyprus
City: Famagusta

Course Info

Course: WPHF - Arhatic Yoga Prep-Intensive Practice
City: Girne
Country: North Cyprus


Instructor: Daniel Gorgonia


North Cyprus Pranic Healing Center


Date: September 02, 2023
Duration: 2 Days
Date info: Starts 5:30 AM
Ends 6:30 PM

Financial Info

525.00 USD
The package price for Arhatic Intensive Practice:
The double room $780
Single room $889

The last day of registration is August 12th

If you are willing to stay a few more days then there will be extra room charges.

Book Now

Offering Place

Name: Korineum Golf Resort
Country: North Cyprus
Phone: +1
City: Girne