The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Popular Lectures on Theosophy - eBook Info

Popular Lectures on Theosophy

Prerequisite Course: Basic Pranic Healing


THESE six lectures were delivered at Adyar, at the Theosophical Headquarters, and were intended to offer a simple outline of the fundamental ideas of The WISDOM to an intelligent and educated public, un­acquainted with these conceptions. They are pub­lished in the hope that they may reach a similar public all the world over, aid thus help in leavening the public mind with the truths necessary for its welfare. Theosophy alone can avert the catastrophe towards which western civilisation is rushing; already there are signs that it is successfully performing it's beneficent mission, and is bringing the younger Aryan nations to drink at the fountains of the ancient Aryan Wisdom. This booklet is only intended to point to the path by which Wisdom may be attained. The treading of that path must bo done by each for himself.

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