The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Lives of Alcyone part 3 - eBook Info

Lives of Alcyone part 3

Prerequisite Course: Basic Pranic Healing


All who have read Man: Whence How and Whither are acquainted with the idea of the Group of Servers -- a band of people who have offered themselves to do a certain amount of hard work of the world, especially the work of the pioneer. When a new country is to be brought under cultivation; there must be men who will be the first to enter it, who will be willing, for a long time, to dispense with all the little conveniences which make existence bearable, to live roughly and to work hard, cutting down trees, clear away undergrowth, digging up and leveling the ground, boring wells and constructing roads, and generally turning the wilderness into a fruitful field and making the jungle habitable; and without such preparatory labor civilized life, and all that it brings in its train in the way of opportunity and achievement, would never be possible at all.
The same statement is true of other and higher kind of development. When a new Root Race is to begin the Manu in charge of the business must take a certain number of people and deal with them much as the pioneer deals with the new country. He must break up many of their customs, their prejudices, their ways of thought, and implant in them others that are quite different, at the same time he is introducing changes into the shape and build of their physical bodies.

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