The Significance of Full Moon

A Full Moon is a lunar phase that happens when the moon is on the opposite side of the earth from the sun, and is a significant period among spiritual societies.
In astrology, planets and heavenly bodies are considered as energy beings, affecting the life and states of people on earth. Each planet is associated with a physical, emotional and mental quality. The placement of planets and their distances from earth in this case are important factors in determining the quality and intensity of their influence.
Moon symbolizes the mind & emotions and because of its closeness to earth it is one of the most influential heavenly bodies on the life of people on earth.
Although in many instances in folklore literature full moon is associated with insanity, insomnia and psychological disturbance, as the term lunatic proposes, for spiritual practitioners full moon is a time of greater activity, opportunity and development.
In fact, in Buddhism it is believed that different phases of Lord Buddha’s life and development have all occurred during various full moons, which makes full moon a sacred time in Buddhism. It is said that Lord Buddha was born on a full moon day. His renunciation, his enlightenment and the delivery of his first sermon have all happened during full moons. He also left his body on a full moon day.
So the question is, what makes people have diverse experiences during the full moon? From insanity, violence, crime, and accidents to romance, spiritual experiences and illumination?
In fact, during full moon, everything will be magnified, good and bad. Therefore, full moon can be both viewed as a time of crisis as well as a time of opportunity. It depends on our overall state and activity during the full moon day to cultivate its positive or negative effects.
Spiritual practitioners in this case, use the magnifying effects of the full moon to deepen their spiritual practice and meditation and to be of greater help to humanity.
On the exact time of the full moon, as well as two days before and 2 days after, the effects are maximum.
Therefore, many practitioners worldwide try to stay away from sensual worldly life and focus their attention to spiritual development. Some further observe certain spiritual disciplines such as fasting to purify their vehicles and prepare themselves for the greater downpour of divine energies.
It is highly advisable thus, even if no spiritual practice is followed, to refrain from various commitments, stay calm and relax the mind during the full moon day to avoid possible emotional and mental fluctuations.
It is believed among the theosophy masters that during full moon “closer rapport between humanity and the Hierarchy is possible,” thus group meditations and reciting the Great Invocation during full moon can help in increasing spiritual awareness and global consciousness.
“The spirit of Invocation, of longing for and reaching for contact with higher beings is strengthened at Full Moon. At each Full Moon, a stream of love is poured forth by all Masters and initiates who have taken at least the Third Initiation.”
Therefore, full moons are important periods for Pranic Healers worldwide, as they gather in groups to practice Meditation of Twin Hearts for individual benefit as well as the benefit of the entire earth.
- Group, B. S. (n.d.). The Moon and Religious Observances. Retrieved from Buddha Sasana
- Brooks, C. (n.d.). Alice Bailey, Lucis Trust, and The Reappearance of The Christ. Retrieved from In Plain Site
- Jaitly, P. S. (n.d.). Significance of Full Moon. Retrieved from Vedic Astrology