Accurate Perception, Correct Expression & Non-falsehood

The Eightfold Path that Lord Buddha put forth for his disciples to help them on their journey to Arhatship, is comprised of the right view, right intention, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration. The virtue of accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood, as emphasized on by Master Choa Kok Sui, basically encompass certain aspects of the Eightfold path of Buddhism.
You Possess Divine Intelligence
Master Choa Kok Sui has explained that the soul is a being of Divine Intelligence. This divinity finds expression through the virtue of accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood. It is through your divine intelligence that you are able to look beneath any veil covering the truth and see things as they really are. When you respond in accordance with any particular situation you are engaging in correct expression. Correct expression the right though, right action and the right emotion. A decision is also an expression as it is forged out of your thoughts and influences your actions.
A Work in Progress
No matter how motivated we are on our spiritual path or how much further we have traversed into the realms of spirituality , every one of us is a work in progress. This is something we should remember even when we are focusing on the 5 virtues of Pranic Healing to develop ourselves. Internalizing any virtue will take time and prolonged unrelenting effort. To develop the virtue of accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood, there is a need to enhance certain qualities.
Don’t Lie if you Don’t Want to be Lied To
Honesty and non-lying (to others and to oneself). When you distort the truth for others, the negative karma you generate might lead to you being lied to as well. When you are dishonest to yourself, you distort your own perception and it might lead to severe emotional and mental discord.
Honesty V/s Love
Striking a balance between honesty and loving-kindness. This is when you have to weigh a situation effectively so that any truth you might divulge does not hurt anyone. However, this does not serve as an excuse to indulge in “white lies”. Master Choa Kok Sui warns against the use of “unnecessary” lies, hinting that any disciple needs to develop a certain level of discretion without harming others.
The Levels of Truth
Knowledge of the different levels of truth will help you in enhancing the accuracy of your perception. In Filipino, the levels are Tama, Wasto and Tumpak, the last being the highest level of truth. These however, are not the only levels of truth. Being dynamic, truth is multi-faceted. Besides, is there any Universal Truth? That is a philosophical paradox yet to be resolved. What might be true to me might not be true to you. Master Choa Kok Sui explains that Truth is beyond correct information.
Trust but Verify
The quality of discernment, discrimination and non-superstitiousness is necessary as it leads to accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood. We all have had or still have certain superstitions. Whether it is about black cats crossing your path or about the number 13 being unlucky, at some level we know that they have no logical validation. It is therefore important to exercise discernment. Moreover, you never have to accept anything blindly, no matter who says it. Being Humble
Humility, gratitude, respect and non-conceitedness are necessary for accurate perception, correction expression and non-falsehood. Thanklessness and pride are often the cause of downfall. You need to remember the spiritual debt you owe to your Guru. Being humble requires a certain level of self-esteem.
Respect your Commitments
Before you make any commitment you need to make sure that you can deliver what you promise. Biting off more than you can chew does not prove anything other than your irresponsibility. Take on added responsibility only when you are certain you can handle them.
Responding without Reacting
Have you ever been in a situation which totally took you off guard and you got into a panicked flight-or-fight mode? If so, have you repented your actions afterwards, when you comprehended the situation better? Retrospect thus helps but by that time the situation has already passed. Accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood helps you understand the true essence of any situation while you are in it. You need to understand that responding to something is not the same as reacting to it. The key is to respond accurately to any aspect of a situation without reacting to it. You need to be able to find your inner calmness even in the face of adversity The virtue of accurate perception, correct expression and non-falsehood is thus many-sided and is connected with Jnana Yoga , Karma Yoga and even with the gifted art of clairvoyance.
- Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul by Master Choa Kok Sui