Avatar of Synthesis

"There is a powerful being living inside the sun serving the Solar Logos called the Avatar of Synthesis."
Alice A. Bailey
Here is some information from Holy Master DK on the Avatar which is worth some study.
Divine Embodiments. These Avatars appear rarely; and when They do, the effectiveness and results of Their work are very great. They issue forth into manifestation via the center at Shamballa, because They are an expression of the will nature of Deity; They embody divine purpose; the energy pouring through Them and transmitted by Them is focused through the Lord of the World; They can only be reached by the united voices of the Hierarchy and of humanity speaking in unison; Their service is evoked only by realized need, and only after those who call Them forth have added to their faith strenuous action and have done their utmost, alone and unaided, to overcome evil.
They never descend lower than the mental plane, and the main emphasis and attention of Their work is directed to the Hierarchy; the Hierarchy is Their transmitting agency; They occasionally reach those thinking people, focused on the mental plane, who have clear vision, potent resolve, directed will and open minds, plus of course, essential purity of form. These Avatars express the Will of God, the energy of Shamballa, and the impulse lying behind divine purpose. When They do come forth, it will be the destroyer aspect of the first ray of power which They will express; They bring about death the death of all old and limiting forms and of that which houses evil. Their work will, therefore, fall into two categories:
- They will destroy the forces of evil, using the agency of the Forces of Light.
- They will reveal as much of the divine purpose as humanity is able to grasp through its best minds and most dedicated aspirants; They will clarify the vision of the world disciples and of all who have the disciplined will-to-know and who are dedicated to and expressive of the will-to-good. This knowledge and this will are needed in the coming period of readjustment.
How They will bring the present evil conditions to an end and how They will destroy the present evil state of materialistic aggression I may not reveal. It is not yet certain that human development and understanding and the massed intent of humanity will be adequate to the needed demand and strong enough to call Them forth. Time alone can determine that. God grant that the aspirants and disciples of the world will awaken to the opportunity and the imminent and waiting possibility. The plight of vast groups of people upon the planet today lies heavy upon the heart of the Hierarchy. But to bring release and the Appearance of the Power that can liberate, human cooperation is needed.
WWhen the Avatar comes He will convey to humanity something for which we have as yet no true name. It is neither love nor will as we understand them. Only a phrase of several words can convey something of the significance and then only feebly. This phrase is "the principle of directed purpose." This principle involves three factors:
- Understanding (intuitive and instinctual, but intelligently interpreted) of the plan as it can be worked out in the immediate future.
- Focused intention, based on the above and emphasizing an aspect of the will, hitherto undeveloped in man.
- Capacity to direct energy (through understanding and intent) towards a recognized and desired end, overcoming all obstacles and destroying all that stands in the way. This is not destruction of forms by force such as is now being imposed on the world, but a destruction brought about by the greatly strengthened life within the form. Only the next one hundred years will reveal the significance of this statement and then only if the massed intent of the people evokes this Avatar of Synthesis during the next twelve months. I have called this Being by this name because it expresses the quality and the objective of the force He brings and wields. Another and lesser Avatar is also awaiting a call from humanity. He is esoterically related to the Avatar of Synthesis, being overshadowed by Him. This Avatar can descend on to the physical plane into outer expression and can thus step down and transmit the stimulation and quality of the force of the greater Avatar Who can come no nearer than the mental plane. Who this Coming One may be is not yet revealed. It may be the Christ, if His other work permits; it may be One chosen by Him to issue forth, overshadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis and directed in His activities by the Christ, the Lord of Love. In this way, the energies of both Shamballa and the Hierarchy will be focused through the chosen Coming One. Thus a triangle of loving, purposeful energy will be created which may prove a more effective way of releasing energy and a safer way, than the focused impact of one selected force might be.
I realize the difficulty of this subject and perhaps may simplify the matter by a brief summation:
1. A great cosmic Avatar can come if the Hierarchy and humanity can stand together with massed intent.
- He will descend into the three worlds of human endeavour, but no nearer than the mental plane.
- He will transmit a cosmic energy whose quality is Synthesis. This will express itself through harmony and unity, producing necessarily understanding, promoting goodwill, and eventually ending the separative, isolating tendencies of mankind.
- His note and vibration can only be sensed by those whose individual note is also synthesis and whose life objective is the will-to-good. These are consequently the Members of the Hierarchy, the disciples and aspirants of the world and a few of the men of goodwill.
2. A Messenger or Avatar of equal rank to the Christ in the Hierarchy (or possibly Christ Himself) may come forth as the Representative of the Avatar of Synthesis and as His transmitting Agent.
- This lesser Avatar works today as one of the senior Members of the Great White Lodge and is in close touch with the Christ, with the Manu and with the Lord of Civilisation, the Master R.; He will act as the Coordinator between the Hierarchy and Shamballa. He will fuse and blend in Himself, through the quality of His Own life, the three great energies:
- The will-to-spiritual power.
- The will-to-love in its spiritual connotation.
- The will-to-manifest spiritually.
- The antiquity of the achievement of this Coming One is to be found in the name applied to Him, which is found in so many of the world Scriptures: The Rider on the White Horse. This refers to the time prior to the phrase so well-known in the Christian fields: "The Lamb slain from the foundation of the world." In the earlier cycle, the then initiates spoke of the "sacrificial horse, slain to all eternity." It conveys the same basic idea.
- This Avatar can descend to the physical plane and there appear, to lead His people as the Prince Who leads through war to peace.
- The whole problem before the Hierarchy and humanity today, in connection with the coming Avatar, can be summed up in the following four questions:
Can He bring the energy of synthesis with Him, thereby bringing about rapid changes?
This depends upon His being overshadowed by the Avatar of Synthesis and upon that Avatar being evoked through the demand and the massed intent of humanity, aided by the Hierarchy.
Will the demand of the people be strong enough to evoke the higher potency, or will it be too feeble because of the failure of the world disciples and aspirants to focus this massed intent throughout the planet?
Will the higher overshadowing not take place and only the lesser Avatar come to institute a slower method of gradual reform?
This slower method will be necessitated only if and because humanity will have demonstrated its inability to call forth and receive the higher measure and more potent vibration of divine energy. It is entirely for the decision of the world disciples and aspirants; not the decision of poor bewildered, deluded humanity. Will the world disciples and aspirants appreciate the crisis and opportunity? They have not yet, as a whole, done so.
3. The Hierarchy today stands with massed intent. The cry of the masses is rising up to the very gates of Shamballa. It is stronger by far than the demand of the spiritually oriented people the disciples, the aspirants, the men of goodwill. They seem from the viewpoint of the Hierarchy to be overcome by inertia, to be engrossed by their theories and idealisms, and to be blind to the issues at stake. Can they be aroused? Can they stand with focused intent, strenuous physical service and activity, and determined effort to struggle, even unto death, for the defeat of evil? Can they preserve the inner attitude of love and non-separateness? Can they relinquish all for love of humanity? Can they sacrifice everything for the cause of freedom and of righteousness? This is the problem confronting Those Who are working for the appearance of the Greater and the Lesser Avatars Who can at this time save humanity if humanity desires salvation and will take the needed steps.
The Needed Steps
These steps are various in kind though one in intent. The first step is to realize clearly what are the methods whereby the Avatar can come and so reach humanity. These are the same methods, whether it is the Avatar of Synthesis, working through the Hierarchy, or the Avatar of Coordination (as I might call Him), working through humanity and representing the greater Avatar upon the physical plane.
The methods whereby Avatars reach and influence Their agents or those who respond to Their note, vibration and message are three in number.
1. Overshadowing. Where there is kinship in quality, in objective and in nature, it is possible for the Avatar to overshadow some Member of the Hierarchy (as in the case of the Avatar of Synthesis) or some disciple or aspirant where humanity is concerned (in the case of a lesser Avatar). This is done through meditation, through a directed stream of thought energy, the presentation of a thought form and the evocation of the focused will of the one who is overshadowed. All this proceeds rapidly where there is close cooperation between the latter (the sensitive responding disciple) and the Avatar. The Christ is today in very close rapport with the Avatar of Synthesis, and this rapport will continue, becoming closer and closer until the Full Moon of June; He is giving all possible aid, as is His Brother, the Buddha. It is this which makes the coming Full Moon of May of such supreme importance.
A group of Masters and initiates Who are specially related to the Christ's department, as well as a group working under the Master M., are endeavouring to respond to this overshadowing which is only possible even to Them when transmitted to Them by the Christ. (I talk here of mysteries.) It will therefore be apparent to you that, as They succeed and become increasingly sensitive to and aware of this overshadowing energy of the great Avatar, Their disciples on earth can also in a dim and faint way become responsive to the ideas that are formulated in the mind of their particular Master in response to avataric impression. Ponder on this.
2. Inspiration. This is more direct than overshadowing and more potent in results. Certain Members of the Hierarchy and, above all, the lesser Avatars, are inspired from "on high" by the cosmic Avatar and become at times direct expressions of His mind, His energy and His plans. This is the spiritual correspondence to obsession. In the case of obsession, a man is taken possession of and inspired by some evil entity; in inspiration, there is no possession but only what is called "identical response" a very different thing. In the one case, the free will and intelligent understanding of the Master or the disciple is enlisted on the side of the spiritual Agent; the spiritual man, functioning as a soul, becomes the channel for forces, ideas and activities other than his own but to which he gives full intuitive assent. It is all carried forward with full understanding and consciousness of method, process and results. It is an act of free spiritual cooperation, for the good of humanity, in the work of a great spiritual Force or Being. The cooperation of the Master Jesus with the Christ is a case in point. In connection with the coming Avatar, it may involve the cooperation of the Christ or of a "kindred, equal soul" with a cosmic Being or Presence, taking place on still higher spiritual levels of consciousness and producing an incredibly focused potency.
In the case of obsession, the evil force enslaves the personality which, in the majority of cases, is but a shell. Of this, Hitler is a case in point. This produces greater potency on the physical plane and on the astral plane; it is quicker and more immediate in results, but the lasting power is less and the effects are relatively temporary.
In the processes of inspiration, the lesser Avatar through His life and contacts in the three worlds will necessarily influence sensitive, spiritually oriented disciples and aspirants, and thus the inspiration coming from the cosmic Avatar becomes in time a group inspiration, and therefore can be more safely handled. This group inspiration can happen today. If it does, there will then be a simultaneous appearing of the cosmic Avatar, the World Savior in the Person of the lesser Avatar, and at the same time a group savior, composed of responsive disciples and world servers. Ponder again on this.
In this way, if you will note carefully, there is established a direct linked chain from humanity, via the Hierarchy, to Shamballa. The Hierarchy is working at the establishing of this chain, aided by Their disciples. The demand for the cooperation of all aspirants is now going forth, because the times are urgent. If this relationship can be established (and it will be a sad day for humanity if it cannot), then the third method of avataric expression becomes possible.
3. Appearance or Manifestation. Every possible step has been taken by the Hierarchy to enable the Avatar, the Coming One, to appear. What these steps are cannot be declared here. Only some questions, suggesting possibility, are permissible. Think you that His body of manifestation is already on Earth, waiting to be overshadowed, inspired and used at the right time, as was the vehicle of the Master Jesus by the Christ? There are those who say that it is waiting and has been waiting for 22 years. Is it possible that there will be a sudden descent of the Prince of Light and Peace to change present conditions by the effectiveness of His radiance and His message? There are those who look for Him to suddenly appear, and they number millions of expectant people. Some say He is already on His way. Is it possible that this Wesak Festival will see Him approach nearer to the Hierarchy and make a contact with Them? Some say it will take place. Can the "massed intent" of humanity evoke response and lead to the appearance on Earth of the lesser Avatar? Some say nothing can stop it. Prophecy, expectation and the present time cycle testify to the opportunity. This possible dual event the coming of the Avatar of Synthesis to the Hierarchy and of the lesser Avatar, His Representative, to humanity can be a probable happening if the world disciples and aspirants measure up to the opportunity.
The Immediate Task
I enter upon my concluding remarks wondering if anything I can say will awaken disciples to the needed spiritual effort which must find expression in physical plane decisions and activity. A certain aspect of physical plane effort is already being undertaken by them through very force of circumstance: Red Cross activity in every land, response to urgent, surrounding, physical need, and the mobilization of their time and resources by leaders in all countries are the keynotes of the time. But it is the inner spiritual activity and orientation (paralleling the outer activity) which is required. This is an activity which is preceded by clear factual thinking and decision. Can the world disciples and aspirants evidence this full life on all levels? Are they capable of an intensive inner life as well as of unflagging attention to outer duty and demands? This is the problem. Are they capable of laying aside their own pet theories and trifling ideals (trifling in the face of the appalling world situation) and focus every possible effort on fighting evil upon the physical plane, as well as on other levels, with every possible agency? Can they at the same time live that dynamic life of thought and inclusive comprehension which will find expression in the voiced appeal to the Avatar? It is feeling and fanatical adherence to a loved ideal which frequently stand between a disciple and effective service on the physical plane. It is old habits of thought and the determined effort to interpose some mystical dream between conditions as they are and conditions as they could be, if disciples took right action, which have prevented effective service.
But, my brother, all things have to become new and that means a new vision, a new idealism, and a new life technique. Past ideals, past dreams and past efforts to tread the Path and express brotherhood have produced most successfully a certain changed attitude in the race, a new orientation to the life of the spirit, and a focused intention to move forward. That was the desired goal and that goal has now been reached.
The right attitude is now present in many people in every race, and it is the recognition of this which has called forth the activity of the Brothers of the Shadow at this time. They realize that the time of their power is shortening. The hold of the materialistic values over man is steadily becoming weaker. So far has man progressed that there are enough people in the world today to turn the tide if they can be aroused from their apathy.
I tried to arouse them to speed and clear thinking between the years 1932-1938 but though something was accomplished, it was not enough. The blindness, illusion, separativeness and inertia of the aspirants of the world today constitute one of the factors with which the Hierarchy has to contend. Aspirants are preoccupied with their own little affairs and with their own small efforts, instead of relinquishing everything in an endeavour to unite on the needed appeal and activity. They are contending for their own interpretations of truth, and for their pet ideals of peace, living or work and like Nero they "fiddle whilst Rome burns." All their lives they have fought for an ideal and a dream, and they love that more than they love humanity. Yet all that is needed is such a deep love of humanity that it works out on all levels of activity and all life effort. If the idealists of the world would realize the situation as it is, they would relinquish all that they hold dear and come to the rescue of humanity, and thus snatch the helpless masses back from slavery and death. They would battle for the freedom of the human soul with every weapon in the armory of mankind. They would hold back the forces of aggression by force itself if need be. They would aim at clear thinking, and thus clear the channel for the inflow of spiritual force. The major prerequisites today for true world service are an overwhelming love of humanity and a sense of proportion. The only requirements today for disciples and aspirants may be summed up as follows:
- The doing of everything possible to bring the war to an end. Every physical plane method must be used to drive the forces of evil and of cruelty back to their dark place. Physical plane methods, when motivated by unchanging love of humanity and under the direction of an enlightened soul, become agents of righteousness. There are worse things than the death of the physical body; there is the enslaving of the human soul.
- The focusing of the inner life towards the Hierarchy in radiant faith. The way of the Coming One must be made clear, and the life force must be dedicated to the outer life of compassion.
- The clarifying of the mental life in the pure light of the soul. Disciples live too much in the world of feeling; hence the clouding of their vision. When they have clarified their minds and see the situation whole, they can then appeal to the Avatar to make His appearance. This appeal must be made via the Christ.
- Disciples must endeavour to understand what are the objectives of the Avatar, and thus fit themselves to cooperate.
The second step is to understand clearly what is the task which must be undertaken in preparation for the Coming One. This entails four things:
- The effort to stand with all other disciples and aspirants in an attempt to call forth the Avatar, to reach Him by focused intensive thought and to evoke His response. This is the purpose of the new Invocation. It voices intent, makes demand and pledges cooperation.
- The providing of a nucleus or group through which the Avatar of Synthesis can work when the lesser Avatar has come forth upon the physical plane. This involves individual activity, the sounding out of a clear note, based on clear mental perception, the recognition of those allied in the work and the development of conscious group work. In this group work the personality is subordinated and only the following determinations are dominant:
- The determination to of fer group service as a group to the world group.
- The determination to establish right human relations upon the planet.
- The determination to develop everywhere the spirit of goodwill.
- The determination to withstand evil through planned group activity.
- To construct a network of light and service in every land. This is begun in the individual environment of the server, and gradually extended throughout the world. It was with this idea in view that I suggested the forming of triangles of people, pledged to use the Invocation and to extend its use through the world. It is my specific plan to help mass world thought and thus evoke the Avatar, and likewise to provide a world group through which the new forces and energies can function, the new ideas can spread. and the coming world order find adherents.
- To prepare the general public for the Coming One by pointing out the testimony of the past, the recognition of the universal need for divine intervention and the holding out of hope to the distressed, the doubting and the tortured. In His appearance lies hope, and history testifies that it has frequently happened at times of world crisis.
Such are the possibilities which I present to your understanding. I have told and taught you much in past years. I have often asked for your cooperation and your help in world service. Some have responded and given help. Many have longed to aid. The majority have done little or nothing. In this moment of crisis (within the world crisis) I again ask for your cooperation and leave you to make your decision.
May the love of God and of your fellowmen inspire you; the light of your souls direct you and the strength of the group enable you to aid in bringing good out of the present evil by right action and clear thinking.
- Externalization of the Hierarchy, Pg 303-313