Twelfth Chakra

On the seventh month, the incarnated soul is supposed to be lodged in the fetus. On what part of the “body” is the incarnated soul lodged? The incarnated soul is lodged in the 12th chakra which is one foot above the head. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul )
The 12th chakra looks like a golden star. Sometimes it is called the “Soul Star.” When a person becomes spiritually more mature, the golden star evolves into a golden pearl, a golden ball, a golden bud, or a golden flame. When it is activated, it is called the Pentecostal Fire. In Christian terminology, this is called the Pentecostal fire. (Acts 2:1-4). (Master Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul )
There are supposedly only 11 chakras. But the book of Revelation mentions the Tree of Life having 12 fruits: “… The tree of life, which bears twelve manner of fruits…” (Revelation 22:2). Did Saint John the Beloved make a mistake in counting? This is very strange because in traditional Kabbalistic teachings there are only 10 sephiroth, plus one hidden sephirah. However, in Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga there are 11 major chakras within the body, plus the 12th chakra located outside the body, 12 inches above the head. Therefore, in Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga there are also 12 chakras. This is the meaning of the Tree of Life bearing 12 fruits. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul)
It is also mentioned in the Holy Bible, in the book of Revelation, which mentions a great city with 12 gates guarded by 12 angels – “… and had twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, …” (Revelation 21:12). It also mentions the Tree of Life having 12 fruits: “… The tree of life, which bears twelve manner of fruits…” (Revelation 22:2). These correspond to the 12 chakras. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Superbrain Yoga)
From the 12th chakra, the incarnated soul radiates outward, forming the “soul aura.” The different bodies (the physical body, the energy body , the astral body and the mental body) are infused with the essence of the soul. This is also called the “Soul Energy.” Just as the etheric body interpenetrates the physical body, and it is inside and outside the physical body, likewise, the essence of the soul interpenetrates the physical body; at the same time, it is beyond the physical body. That is why the physical body is actually within the soul, and not the soul within the physical body. The physical body is like a sponge. If you put the sponge in a bathtub filled with water, the water is inside and outside the sponge. In other words, the sponge is inside the water. The physical body, energy body, astral body and lower mental body are all inside the incarnated soul. Therefore, it would be accurate to define a person as “a soul with a physical body,” rather than “a physical body with a soul.” To express this more accurately, a person is a soul with a physical body and other subtle bodies.
Why is the incarnated soul called The Infinite Light? To understand this, it is necessary to have a certain degree of inner experience or spiritual insight. You have to remember who you are. An intellectual comprehension that you are not the body is the first stage in spiritual development. The second stage is experiencing the body “disappearing.” In the third stage, the yogi experiences himself as a being of divine flame radiating simultaneously in all directions throughout the inner cosmos. This is why the incarnated soul is called The Infinite Light. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man )
Sometimes the consciousness of a spiritual practitioner may keep on expanding, but it may not even reach the limit or the Ring-pass-not in one lifetime. There is, of course, a limit to such infinite expansion. Beyond the Ring-pass-not is darkness. As a yogi continues with his spiritual practice, he will expand beyond the darkness. Beyond the darkness is greater light.
In the Christian tradition, the 12th chakra and the incarnated soul are referred to as the Pentecostal Fire. It is also called by Saint Paul as the “Holy Spirit.”
In the Egyptian tradition the incarnated soul is called Ba. In the Hindu tradition, it is called Jivatma. Jiv means “embodied” while atma means “self” or “soul.”
In Tibetan Buddhism, the incarnated soul is called the “Buddha nature.” (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man )
In Taoism, the 12th chakra is called the spiritual fetus. The term is used to show that a person’s spiritual development is minimal. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Om Mani Padme Hum )
Taoist yoga teaches techniques that will accelerate the development of the spiritual fetus or the incarnated soul. This is part of the inner teachings and practices in Arhatic Yoga. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)