The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Course Reviews

Basic Pranic Healing
Basic Pranic Healing

653 reviews:

  • February 23, 2020

    Salma M.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    Very interesting and made me hungry for more

  • February 21, 2020

    Wangui C.
    Kenya, Nairobi

    I would like to commend Shawana as my instructor for this course, she was very knowledgeable and effortless in her instruction, which made the lessons easy and fun to learn. I am happy to understand and grasp the concept of energies and healing, which helped me understand my sensitivity and feelings to certain things and situations in the past. I intend to practice pranic healing on my family, and then move on to healing others. it was truly enlightening, and I am very happy I did this course.

  • February 11, 2020

    Maryam K.
    Bahrain, Saar

    The course, the teachers and the total environment of the center was very positive . Great developmental growth.

  • February 11, 2020

    Michelle C.
    Bahrain, Saar

    I have always had an interested in complimentary therapies. Pranic Healing fulfills and supplements western medocine without interfering in treatment. It also ads to your underatanding of the spiritual and energies around us.

  • February 10, 2020

    Joyness L.
    Tanzania, United Republic of, Arusha

    Personally it was the best experience of my life.. never imagined could use life energy and save the world.. God has reasons for every step I take and I recommend this be heard by everyone that believes in God..

    I was set free and every inch of me was relaxed.. learnt self healing too that I'm planning to start making more practice with my ears since I have a hearing problem!


  • January 28, 2020

    Meltem A.
    Turkey, Ankara

    Yeni başlayan biri olarak değerlendirmem yeterli olmayabilir ama ilgi, sezgi, sevgi ve iletişim bakımından çok iyi idi. Teşekkür ederim.

  • January 27, 2020

    Fatema S.
    Bahrain, Saar

    Best experience ever .. simply I’m in love with the new me

  • January 20, 2020

    Kaan V.
    Turkey, Izmir

    Eğitimin içeriği muazzam. Bir çok yenişey öğrendim. Kursun en can alıcı noktası ikiz kalpler meditasyonu. O duyguyu anlatmak mümkün değil. Şuan öğrendiklerimin pratiğini yapıyorum ve faydalarrını gözlemliyorum. Kursu iyi ki almışım. Saffet Güler bey çok bilgili ve donanımlı bir insan. Bununla beraber bir o kadar da tatlı, mütevazi, esprili bir insan. Sorduğum her sorunun cevabını fazlasıyla aldım. Sıkılmadan üşenmeden sabırla cevapladı sorularımı. Çok keyifliydi. Çok teşekkürler.

  • December 22, 2019

    Rayan C.
    Bahrain, Saar

    The course was absolutely excellent. It was everything I had dreamed of, I learned so much about cleaning and energy and it opened my eyes to the world around me and the things I didn’t see before. My teacher was incredible and taught so well, stopping to explain and make sure we could all understand. The course was incredible and I would 100% recommend it to all of my friends and family.

  • December 16, 2019

    Micheline A.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    A new world is waiting for to explore. I am so happy to be able to heal. I have a great will to go so. All the loving ones and the others.