The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Course Reviews

Basic Pranic Healing
Basic Pranic Healing

653 reviews:

  • July 06, 2019

    Mine B.
    Turkey, Ankara

    İkinci defa katıldığım temel pranik şifa kursu ilk katıldığımdan daha iyiydi.Bu sefer uygulamalarında daha başarılı olacağıma inanıyorum.

  • July 02, 2019

    Hatice E.
    Turkey, Ankara

    benim için hem gelişim hem de duygusal olarak çok farklı boyutlara taşıdı. iyi ki karşılaşma fırsatım oldu. emeği geçenl
    ere çok teşekkürler

  • July 01, 2019

    Bhavika P.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    My gratitude to Rashmi, Sonal and Jyoti for bringing and explaining the meaning of meditation - that helped me get through my tough circumstances- Thankyou once again.

  • July 01, 2019

    Ayse K.
    Turkey, Ankara

    Yeni bilgi öğrenmek güzel faydalı bilgi öğrenmek daha güzel . Teşekkür ederim

  • July 01, 2019

    Ashwini M.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    The course structure was good and was delivered well. Made easy to reason and understand.

  • June 24, 2019

    Wanja W.
    Kenya, Nairobi

    During the class, I lost my aunt to illness she had been suffering for a long time. My teacher and fellow students rallied around me to heal, bless and comfort me. And I am stronger and more at peace knowing about the soul and healing myself and my family during this very hard time.

  • June 24, 2019

    Mansukh K.
    Kenya, Nairobi

    I would recommend it to all beings to do this course for a better stronger world

  • June 22, 2019

    Anitta S.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    I’m so grateful and thankful for meeting Batoul ,she introduced me to Pranic Healing, it’s a lifetime experience.being able to help myself and others was always my aim,as well raising my awareness and developing myself and others. the Pranic healing level 1 was the beginning and can’t wait to start level 2.
    Regards with all respect and love

  • June 21, 2019

    Meadah G.
    Egypt, Cairo

    Pranic Healing Science helps us to help ourselves and others physically, psychologically, intellectually and spiritually so I strongly recommend studying this science and the teacher Salah Makki is especially creative in teaching the Pranic Healing and helps to understanding this science and how to Healing us easily

  • June 21, 2019

    Heba E.
    Bahrain, Saar

    Explains a lot for me ...answering a lot of questions & waiting for more in the coming courses.