The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Course Reviews

Basic Pranic Healing
Basic Pranic Healing

653 reviews:

  • May 27, 2018

    Valentina R.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    Amazing course full of learnings!

  • May 22, 2018

    Catherine B.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    It will change my person and others around me. What a huge gift!

  • May 16, 2018

    Yashoda B.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    My stomach pain n dysentery cured

  • May 10, 2018

    Nisha B.
    Tanzania, United Republic of, Dar Es Salaam

    As we practice, the faith in Pranic healing increase. We see miraculous results in self giving us more confidence to serve others too.

  • May 07, 2018

    Dana Mohamed B.
    Bahrain, Saar

    It’ was helpful for really because I need it
    Munira was qualifying teacher and helpfully
    And all staff in center was very good person

  • May 06, 2018

    Maha A.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    Shanu is a great person. Very helpful and articulate.

  • May 06, 2018

    Amna A.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    I had previous knowledge on concepts of balance (give and take), karma (what you give is what you get plus more), meditation, and that the heart chakra is as powerful as the crown chakra.
    The course validated my speculation of the existence of 2 major chakras rather than one on the forehead which are the Anji and the third eye. I also learned how to forgive, as well as heal myself and others.

  • May 06, 2018

    Falah A.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai


  • April 28, 2018

    Zahra A.
    Bahrain, Saar

    Was a great decision to attend this course. My life changed alot , the way i think and see things,the way i treat others even the way i pray .. my life become more peaceful

  • April 25, 2018

    Hemlata T.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    It was a Wonderful experience n I got clarity on so many things . I am doing twin heart meditation on daily basis n can clearly see the change in my energy levels . My heartfelt gratitude to the Grand Master Chao Kok Sui for this knowledge n to our instructors for explaining each n everything with great efforts .
    Warm regards