The ancient art and science of pranic healing and arhatic yoga

Course Reviews

Basic Pranic Healing
Basic Pranic Healing

653 reviews:

  • September 27, 2017

    Cecilia Githigu K.
    Kenya, Nakuru

    Have started to experience lots of inner peace.Am changing the way i was doing my meditation,am able to deal with issues in a sober was fabulous

  • September 25, 2017

    Aina F.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    I m blessed by the abundance of energies showers during the twin heart meditation , I can communicate with my higher soul better , blessed my healing my mom during the course she felt it , with Gratitude to my soul and my unconditional love to z pranic healing masters and teachers specialy Mohannad mozayek , May al Najjar , Racha shihabi , Noha Bayoumi

  • September 25, 2017

    Zainab F.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    it is a wonderful work shop especially when doing the twin heart meditation with group of people it gave me more energy which I lacked in my body

  • September 25, 2017

    Geetha P.
    United Arab Emirates, Dubai

    The course was carried out in a very relaxed and cordial manner building trust and insight very informally. I thoroughly enjoyed the course and look forward to the subsequent lessons in the package

  • September 25, 2017

    Linda H.
    Lebanon, Beirut

    In summary, it was enlightening

  • September 17, 2017

    Hessa A.
    Bahrain, Saar

    I really enjoyed taking this course as it opened my heart and mind to the moment, healing my loved ones and myself and the basics of anatomy and chakras.

  • September 12, 2017

    Rajna O.
    Oman, Muscat

    The course was excellent and Deepali is a good and polite teacher, I liked the way she taught us. It was a good experience and got more Information about Pranic Healing. I m also interested to do Advance Level. I feel I have learned more than the previous time. Need to practice more.

  • September 12, 2017

    Mogana R.
    Oman, Muscat

    I learned something

  • September 01, 2017

    Neera R.
    Kenya, Nairobi

    I learnt a lot.

  • August 21, 2017

    Karolline I.
    Bahrain, Saar

    This isn't a testimonial but will help the purpose of this survey. These are my humble observations from the course A) 8hrs straight through for 2 full days to sit in a chair and focus is physically demanding and the course is mentally demanding even for someone like me who has done 10 years of reiki. The course must be divided into smaller durations for better concentration and absorbtion B) self healing only constituted less than 30mins in 16hrs course, definitely needs more than that. C) certain students tend to get carried away and digress the discussion to matters that aren't relevant or of interest to the class, instructors must make it a point to not encourage such discussions. D) the twin hearts meditation CD isn't 100% clear so it would be great if the audio can be cleaned up professionally and instead of a CD an audio file is shared with students that's accessible from anywhere at anytime. E) at the onset of the class basic introduction of students such as names is important