Ajna Chakra

The ajna chakra is located at the area between the eyebrows. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
The ajna chakra has ninety six petals, and has two divisions, each have forty eight petals. In some persons, one division is predominantly light yellow, and the other division is predominantly light violet. Others have whitish green in one division and light violet in the other. The predominant color pranas in the ajna differ from person to person, and the colors change according to a person’s psychological state.
The ajna chakra is the center of higher mental faculty – the higher type of will. The ajna chakra is closely interconnected to the solar plexus or Manipura Chakra – the center of emotional will and the crown chakra which is the center of universal love. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)

A lot of people have unregulated emotions. To overcome this problem, the ajna chakra must be activated. This will enable the person to regulate his thoughts and emotions.
It is advisable for a Pranic Psychotherapist to activate the ajna chakra of a psychologically imbalanced person to facilitate a greater degree of self-control.
The ajna chakra is responsible for understanding abstract concepts and principles. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy) This is why the ajna chakra is called “understanding” (in Kabbalah). It has a directive function. The combination of understanding and directing others manifest as active intelligence. Active intelligence is very different from sterile intelligence. You may encounter people who seem to be intelligent and you may be impressed when they talk, but they are not productive. They do not produce results. This is an example of sterile intelligence. The proper function of the ajna chakra manifests as intelligence in motion or dynamic intelligence. Some executives have sufficiently developed ajna chakras. Executives in Europe are called “directors” because they direct activities of people under them. In the United States they are called “executives” or “managers” because they use their intelligence to manage resources and people. Their function is to manifest active intelligence. Their job is to make others produce results. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)
When the ajna chakra is strong, an individual can be under tremendous stress and still smile! (Master Choa Kok Sui, Experiencing Being)
The ajna chakra controls and energizes the pituitary gland, the endocrine glands, and energizes the brain to a certain extent. It is called the “master chakra” because it directs and controls the other major chakras and their corresponding endocrine glands and vital organs. It also affects the eye and the nose. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Miracles Through Pranic Healing)
The right eye and ear are influenced and energized more by the ajna chakra. (Master Choa Kok Sui,Advanced Pranic Healing)
The ajna chakra, which is the master chakra, controls the basic chakra which is Mooladhara Chakra, therefore; it also influences the health of the skin.
The forehead and ajna chakras facilitates the flow of electric violet pranic energy to other parts of the body. The ajna chakra ensures that the other chakras work harmoniously with each other.
Energizing the ajna chakra causes the whole body to be energized also but the mechanism is different from that of the crown chakra and the forehead chakra. Instead of the usual funneling effect, energizing the ajna chakra causes the other chakras to light up in a certain rapid sequence, thereby energizing the whole body. That is why in divine healing, the healers touch with their fingers or palms either the crown, the forehead, or the ajna chakra of the patients. The sudden intense rushing in of prana into the head area causes some patients to lose consciousness. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Miracles Through Pranic Healing)
The malfunctioning of this chakra manifests as diseases related to the endocrine glands.In some cases, middle and inner ear infections could be caused by stuffy nose. Therefore, the ajna chakra may have to be treated. (Master Choa Kok Sui, Advanced Pranic Healing)
If the sinusitis is chronic and acute, the solar plexus chakra is usually congested with dirty red energy and is overactivated. Part of the dirty congested red energy goes to the ajna chakra, causing the nasal sinuses to be susceptible to infection and inflammation.
In Chinese medicine, it corresponds to the acupuncture point M-HN3. (Master Choa Kok Sui, The Spiritual Essence of Man)
In Taoist yoga, the ajna chakra corresponds to yin tang, which means “hall of impressions.”
Ajna chakra is a Sanskrit term. In Tamil (Southern India), its correspondence is Thilardha varmam.
In Kabbalah it is called Binah. The divine name of Binah is Elohim.