Generosity & Non-stealing

"If you want to receive, you have to give. If you have not planted something, how can you harvest anything? If you have not planted negative seeds, you will not harvest negative fruits. The Law of Karma gives you the ability to create your own destiny."
-Master Choa Kok Sui
Remember the time when you were probably just a little older than a toddler, someone gave you a bar of chocolate or a pack of candy and either or both of your parents asked you to share it with others while you were just about to gobble it all up? That was a lesson of much more importance than you thought it to be. Before you were much older, you were probably taught not to take what belonged to others without their permission. These instances were actually when the seeds of a crucial virtue were being planted into you- the virtue of generosity and non-stealing.
While you learnt to share what was yours and not steal what was not, you were ushered into a code of conduct that would help your growth on the path of spirituality . Though the concept of “mine” and “not mine” is debatable, we are social beings and in society, we need to respect and abide by certain decorum. Moreover, it only with greater spiritual progress that we come upon the realization that we have ownership over nothing.
What You Sow is What You Reap
Another concept linked with generosity and non-stealing is Karma . Master Choa Kok Sui has often emphasized on the importance of the golden rule that influences all aspects of your life through every incarnation. Generosity begets generosity. In the same way, when you steal, you generate negative karma which might result in you getting stolen from.
Generosity brings good luck
-Master Choa Kok Sui
Wealth, Prosperity and Abundance
Another interesting secret that the teachings of Master Choa Kok Sui and almost all religious teachings have tried to shed light upon, is that when you give, you receive much much more! The Bible stresses on the need to tithe. When you give away 10% of your earnings, you generate good karma because of your generosity. In return for your generosity, you are blessed with abundance and prosperity. You might have realized an aspect of this if you have ever helped someone else in understanding a particular concept. When you have helped a friend prepare for an exam, has it not helped you understand the concept even better?
How to be Rich?
This is a question that everyone wants an answer to. This does not pertain to merely physical wealth. However, since physical materialistic richness is often a concern in these times of financial turmoil and insecurity, Master Choa Kok Sui, through his teachings, have tried to help you plan your earnings practically. He insisted that of what you earn, you need to save 20%-30% after you have paid your taxes and paid your tithes. Tithing is one of the 5 pillars of Wisely investing a part of what you save is a great idea. That will ensure the growth of your wealth. He stresses on the need to live within your means by practicing moderation and non-excessiveness . You can become rich even if what you earn is not too much. All you need to know is what to do with what you get. That is where practicing generosity and non-stealing helps.
Have You Stolen Something?
The question might startle you, offend you or even make you feel guilty. Some of you may be very certain that you have never stolen anything ever. How about that movie you downloaded for free online the other day? Is your computer software original or did you install a cheaper version? Ever taken credit for someone else’s idea? In case you have engaged in behaviors such as these, do not be alarmed or drown yourself in guilt. Guilt is a truly strong emotion that hurts your soul . The point is now that you know that these are going against the concept of non-stealing too, you can control yourself the next time.
Different Levels of Generosity and Non-stealing
You need to practice this virtue of generosity and non-stealing at many different levels. At the physical level, you van be generous by helping others out financially and at the emotional level, you need to be generous with warmth and love. You need to be a source of radiance that would motivate and refresh others. In terms of non-stealing, you need to remember that you cannot steal intellectual, financial or physical properties. Neither can you steal or covet someone else’s spouse or partner. Achieving mastery over the virtue of generosity and non-stealing may take years of practice and effort but it is far from impossible. Moreover, once you build your character through practicing generosity and non-stealing, you will be ready to go further on your spiritual quest.
- Compassionate Objectivity, The Golden Lotus Sutras on Character Building by Master Choa Kok Sui
- Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul by Master Choa Kok Sui