What is Tithing?

"The soul develops by giving, not by accumulating!"
-Master Choa Kok Sui.
Master has said that it is giving that we receive and that is the truth. It is like breathing. We need to exhale in order to inhale and inhale in order to exhale again.
"You have to plant in order to harvest. When you give, it’s like planting seeds. It comes back to you many, many times." -Master Choa Kok Sui.
It is a pure law of nature. We get what we give. What goes around comes around . So if we reverse it we can get what we want by giving the same things. That is why master has emphasized on character building. Tithing and service is a big part of character building. Master has always advised to practice giving in order to receive. So if we want money, if we want to be wealthy, we need to give money. It is advisable to give about 10 percentage of what we earn to charitable and spiritual causes.
Master has said in his writings, "If you want to receive love, give love. If you want money, give money. If you want to be wealthy, you must give about 10 percent of what you earn for charitable and spiritual purposes. This will generate prosperity karma."
-Master Choa Kok Sui.
But just giving is not enough to receive. We need to be ready to receive in return of our good deeds or prosperity karma. If we are not willing to receive, our capacity to give will decrease.
"If you tithe, you must also be willing to receive the divine blessing of prosperity. If you will not receive it, your capacity to give will be adversely affected. This goes against the law of cycle. If you don’t receive, you will get depleted. You cannot just exhale without inhaling."
-Master Choa Kok Sui.
There is nothing to feel guilty about working with a healthy self interest. Master explains this in a very simple way. When we are giving to charity, it opens the door to receive divine blessings for prosperity. But if we are not conductive enough to absorb the same, it will go without use.
"Tithing is not an expense. Tithing is a Karmic Investment! Giving is not only an act of kindness; it is also a smart thing to do!"
-Master Choa Kok Sui.
Giving and Sharing is the Way to Prosperity
Jesus said, “Give and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down and shaken together, and running over…” (Inner teaching of Christianity revealed by Master Choa Kok Sui). This means that by practicing giving and charity we become subject to divine abundance and prosperity.
The question remains what to give as a part of charity? Clothes, foods, free education or money? The answer is simple. We need to ask ourselves what we need. If the answer is money then we need to give money.
There are abundant examples from around the world where people have been benefited by the practice of tithing. One of them specifically mentioned he donated $5000 from his company account for charitable purposes. In the following week they received $50000 in an outstanding client payment which according to him was previously pending for two to three months.
- The Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga by Master Choa Kok Sui The Golden lotus Sutra on Spiritual practice
- The Inner Teaching of Christianity Revealed by Master Choa Kok Sui